Flatline 7.24.18

QIC: Lite Brite

Date: 7.24.18

PAX: Interference, Whirley, TPS, Thistle, Root Canal, Cherry Pie, Van Gogh, Titanium, Litterbox, Zima, Lite Brite

YHC was met this morning by probably the shortest Pax member in W-S. 3′ tall #Titanium who was bursting with energy and excited to be up that early with his dad and the rest of the pax.  It kind of made my day in the first five minutes. Good to see a couple of faces I had not seen in a while.

No warm up as we took a stroll down to the  pavillion in front of the Wells Fargo building to do a couple of warm up exercises.

We partnered up to do Dora 1,2,3. 100 push ups, 200 lunges each leg, 300 lbc’s. The twist was that we ran a slightly longer route for each different exercise.  When the pax got done with each set of exercises we did SSH to so that we would not get separated. Zima , being the consummate pax member to get all out of the workout he can left for his last lap when his partner was on 299 lbc’s.  “WHO DOES THAT??” The rest of us got tired doing SSH’s until he got back.

We took a stroll up to the parking deck and did a bit of up and down. Up the stair across the top parking deck down the next stairs and the down to bottom and run up first ramp to do 5 dips. We then proceeded to repeat that as we increased the # of ramps we ran up . Each ramp was another 5 dips until we got all the way up to 20. I think the pax was a bit dizzy when we got to the end with all of the up and down.

It was time to head back to the first pres parking lot for some Mary and we were able to get most of the way around the circle.

A great morning with some second F along the way and being able to connect with some people I had not seen in a while.



Zima had somebody drop out at Mayhem in the morning and my neighbor “Van Gogh” volunteered straight away with YHC doing an HC if  he would drive and pay for the gas on this 25 minute drive out to the other side of the county.

Prayer Requests;

Senior Froggy had asked one of pax to keep him in our prayers and YHC took us out thanking him for the morning and the #SON


Peace Out



  • Van Gogh
    July 24, 2018 11:13 pm

    Great Q, LB! Double count lunges are the worst… and it felt like we were just aimlessly following you all over that parking garage… haven’t gotten that sweaty at a workout in a long time!

  • Thistle
    July 25, 2018 9:49 am

    Good job LB – enjoyed suffering with a good group of guys. Thanks for your leadership.

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