Big Boys Come and Go

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 03/16/2018

PAX: Tuco, Sassy, Ramses, Sour Mash, Harden, SCHNEIDER, DQ

PAX:  Tuco, Sassy, Rameses, Sour Mash, Harden, SCHNEIDER, Drama Queen


When YHC arrived at VI parking this week’s BBBC launch spot there were several pax cars in the lot.  By the time I had checked my ugly bracket on my phone others had arrived.  EC runners were back and after some discussion on how to create MMR maps where there are no roads we were off at 0530.

Before long the pax had segmented into two groups.  Group one was the EC runners along with some short run pax and group two was comprised of fasthole Duke fan Rameses and YHC.  How did that happen?  We discussed basketball, theater, fishing in the pond and bridge disasters and YHC kept up (Ramses held back) until the last half mile.

Other pax were seen leaving or getting in a little more in as YHC made it back to the lot.

Harden and Sour Mash were off in their trucks, Tuco and Sassy got in a little extra and the aforementioned Ramses circled out to Lewisville-Clemmons to get in over 4 mi.

Somehow YHC failed to account for site Q Schneider in my post Q tweet but he left with us so he must have made it back. YHC later saw him at lunch to confirm this.

You really don’t care where we ran and MMRs were not exactly accurate but mileages totaled somewhere from 2.1 to over 4. ECs may have gotten to 5.

Ramses left before Tuco and Sassy returned so YHC led the COT with the final three.


YHC has Purgatory tomorrow

Sour Mash liked the route

A large number of pax will be at First Pres men’s retreat this weekend – safe travels and prayers for a strong bonding time

SYITG tomorrow or sometime soon



1 Comment

  • Sour Mash
    March 19, 2018 11:57 am

    YHC did indeed like the route! It’s a keeper!

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