A couple tunes, good times, good company in #TheEstate gloom

QIC: Bluto

Date: 10/30/17

PAX: Manscape (WD), Light Brigade, Hazer, Landshark, Snookie, Dr. Gandolf, Swiss Miss, Chisel, Balco, Thistle, Faulker, Bluto

12 strong and fast PAX met in the cold, Monday gloom at Reynolda Village.  The PAX did not stay cold for long as the group worked hard.  Little to no mumblechatter likely given the respectful group more so than the cold.


The events that transpired were approximately as follows:

Warm-o-Rama:  SSH, Imperial Storm Troopers, Copperhead squats, Arm circle thingies (forward and backward), Abe Vigoda, Whirly with a clap.


Mosey for a bit to the circle behind Pure Barre.

Fast feet.


DB drills and Apollo Creed in the adjacent parking lot.


Back to the circle for tune 1:  “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons.  Remain in plank and do a Merkin every time you hear “thunder”, which is approximately 50 times in 3 minutes.  (Stolen from FiA).


Run to the Doggie store courtyard.  Partner up.  Partner 1 runs to the bottom of the hill while Partner 2 does an exercise.  Flap jack and repeato.  Exercises were Wall sits with Jack Reachers, Irkins, Alternating leg step ups, Squats and Dips.


Mosey back to the circle.  Tune 2:  “Roxanne” by The Police.  We all know how this went down.


Loosely organized “Tabata” with shoulder work primarily.


Mary, including LBCs, Low flutter, Mutton crunches, Dying cockroaches.




MC:  YHC heard none, though I was wearing a winter hat.  Absent were typical offenders including BAM and Mongoose.


Announcements:  The MEGA happened Saturday.  According to Twitter, about 100 PAX participated, including several from The Dash.


Prayer requests:

First Pres Mission trip to Haiti this week – Landshark’s M and the DashPAX’s own Patch are there.

Continued prayers for Whirly and his family after the sudden loss of his mother.

Thistle’s son, Duncan, deployed to the Middle East 2 weeks ago.


Fokker closed the morning with words of prayer.


Thanks for the opportunity, Tuco.  SYITG!




  • Zuckerberg
    October 30, 2017 2:12 pm

    Whoa whoa whoa… to be clear… “THUNDER”- merkins were first Q’d by YHC @ #BnW, and I believe YHC suggested the above exercise to FiA’s via The Facebook (a very Zuckerberg-like move).

    This was not stolen from FiA, but rather an F3 original. Just giving us credit where credit is due.

  • Thistle
    October 30, 2017 7:16 pm

    Never heard of the song “Thunder” or the Imagine Dragons and I am darn sure I never want to hear that song again. Bluto, thanks for getting my week off on the right foot.

  • Kevin Stein
    October 30, 2017 10:20 pm

    My bad, Zuck. I was also present at your Thunderous BnW Q, but didn’t recall the song being paired with Merkins. Shoulda known a PAX, not a FiA chick, would engineer that brilliance. Which reminds me, do FiA chicks ever read our Backblasts? ?

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