Airline travel… Part 1

QIC: Plunger

Date: 9/19/17

PAX: Spicoli, Root Canal, Paper Jam (visiting from F3 Charlotte - Welcome!), Total Recall (WB), Lite Brite (WD), Wobegon, Drama Queen, Beverly, Balco, Mutton, Bluto, Zima, Van Gogh

YHC is clearly enjoying a brief travel respite and jumped at the chance to Q Flatline.  So 14 strong men answered the call to come out to Flatline this morning. Flatline, as we all know, is designed to keep your heart rate up from the start to the finish. This morning, the Q who had no originality, tried his hand at a theme. It was all about airline travel. After welcoming out of town guest Paper Jam, YHC gave a brief explanation of the feeble attempt for a theme and we were off. In honor of the week of the Benjamins, we started with 10 merkins in cadence, from there we were off to “park the car” at the airport.

The PAX moseyed to the parking deck and on arrival we found it necessary to wake up the attendant by waving at them so they would open the gate so we could “park the car.” We did 20 SSH IC. The attendant still wasn’t awake so we decided we needed to run with scissors X 10 IC. YHC “dropped the keys.” so we were off to the merkin position again for 10 merkins IC to search for the keys. While we still couldn’t get the parking attendant to open the gate and allow us to pull the car in, we decided we needed to back out of the deck and try another entrance. We did a backwards run up to the second level while we Al Gored to wait. Side note – YHC did stumble and completely bust it at this point. It was a perfect 10 in the stop drop and roll category. YHC had clumsy fingers and “dropped the keys” again to 10 Peter Parkers IC and then 10 Parker Peters IC. As we were still trying to make our way up the escalator to the check in at the airport, we decided to run to the top, once again Al Gore-ing while we waited. With no relative connections to the theme whatsoever, YHC called for cliff hanger merkins – 10 on your own with a flapjack. This of course required partnering. Before we could make our way to the security line, we decided we needed to strengthen the quads so we could run like OJ Simpson through the airport. We did this by performing 10 squats IC.

A lassie run was called as we made our way to “airport security” which was at the sheriff’s office at the base of Merschel Plaza. Once there, and all PAX arrived, in honor of the long lines to airport security we decided we needed to do a burpee ladder, with 7 burpees at the top of Merschel Plaza and 1 LBC at the bottom. This is repeated from 7 to 1 and increased from 1 to 7 LBC. The sprinklers were on and this was indeed a crowd pleaser. especially the extra nutrients on the grounds – #turdferguson. Following the lengthy lines (ladder), the PAX is given a choice to either pick up the 6 and help them complete or wait by doing planks. The planks were completed when 6” was called.

Time is wasting and the PAX needed to get to the gate which included a run up the block to the corner of Main and Third. Because we had a long way to gates, we needed to stop and rest and perform another set of merkins – X 10 IC. From there, we moseyed to the corner of 4th and Main where we collected our thoughts and had a seat while we did Freddie Mercury’s X 15 IC. Of course the Admirals Club is on the way so the PAX decided to stop off (at the top of Merschel Plaza) to be served by bartender while everyone was in dip ready positions working their way around the circle at the top of Merschel Plaza until everyone was served.

Unfortunately, several of the PAX were overserved and the PAX had to be carried out of the Admirals Club. This was of course accomplished through the partner carry and the partnering up size does kind of matter. Note – it was at this point that Beverly, who was standing perfectly straight, and YHC, who jumped on Beverly’s back, was put in a very unnatural awkward reverse concave position. Think Joe Heisman… It was at this point that size really did matter and more importantly than that, the fluidity and weight transfer was much more important. Partner 1 carried Partner 2 up to the corner of Fourth and Marshall then there was a flapjack and Partner 2 carried Partner 1 up to the corner of Fourth and Spruce. From there, the PAX moseyed to the back end of Sawtooth Park for a little relief from the excess drinking with monkey humpers X 10. This of course brought much chatter to the group as they were trying to grasp the reasoning behind the monkey humper call.

From there, there was brisk mosey to the Hanes Brand Theatre entrance for the on-board movie selections. Of course, what was playing was a replay of the Mike Tyson vs Evander Holyfield so in honor we performed 10 Mike Tysons OYO. Continuing our support of the Benjamins, an additional 10 merkins IC was called. From there, YHC thought it was grand idea to explain that first time flyers often think of their demise, so no better place to spark that discussion than to carry the PAX through the crematory on Spruce. While you might be thinking about dying onboard, YHC called for the dying cockroach – 10 of these IC. This was a crowd pleaser and after a brief demonstration everyone caught on to the festive exercise. A mosey back to the gate to check in was called and everyone was encouraged to get their boarding passes out. We performed Al Gore while we waited and as lines are apt to do people are always jumping around and jumping ahead of you. In recognition of this the PAX was scolded and encouraged to perform 10 jump squats on their own. To really aide in the boarding process, everyone was asked to get into a single file line and board in a reverse peloton order. It was an exceptionally long gate line and everyone needed to go around the parking lot twice. The pace picked up on the second lap because of course American Airlines likes to depart on time.

As the PAX was boarded, they were ready for reclining in their seat for a little Mary. Low flutter was called as everyone was in a first class seat and had quite a bit of leg room. Of course, YHC had overhead a conversation throughout the course of the morning and thought it might be good to put a little edge to the workout so a nod was given to the fact that we could no longer take a box cutter (that highly coveted and needed piece of office equipment) along on the plane so we did 10 boxcutters IC. Time is almost up so we need to finish strong and YHC had also heard an off color comment about joining the mile high club so indeed it was only appropriate to finish with the big O. First clockwise X 10 IC then counterclockwise X 10. With this we were finished.

The mumble chatter was fresh today starting with a hardy welcome and from the feeble attempt by YHC to pull together a theme.
YHC encouraged everyone to attend the follow up which will include a take off and landing at Mayhem tomorrow.


• Plunger Qing Mayhem tomorrow at Meadowlark. – See Twitter Chatter… Is it Zuck? Post to find out.
• Bluto Qing Bells and Whistles tomorrow at Reagan HS.
• Paper Jam – In town on business.
• Reminder to register your FNG’s on F3 website

COT: YHC took the PAX out giving thanks for our health , supporting our F3 brothers who are going through stress and inflections in their lives and a prayer for us all to be light and love to others.


  • DQ Drama Queen
    September 19, 2017 5:56 pm

    YHC drove downtown for that? Seriously, strong work Plunger. The theme worked – it was just ripe for the MC. And any Flatline never disappoints for the work done.

  • Justin Bailey
    September 19, 2017 6:07 pm

    Nice work, Plunger. Thankful my back is still in good shape after the partner carry. Fun times at this workout and thanks for getting your connections to turn on the sprinklers to cool us off.

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