Hucks Horseshoe

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 3/7/24

PAX: Greenspan, Van Gogh, Cherry Pie, Rollback, Starfish, Rubber Ducky, Burns, D Day (Down Range from Jax)

9 pax gathered in the foggy gloom for a Huckleberry WIB.  Rollback with the EC run and CP running in during Warm o rama.  the workout was simple and went like this….

warm o rama – SSH, IW, abe V, michael phelps all IC.  Mosey to Pennington Lane – the road that is shaped like a U in elevation (we ran up one side of this backwards a few weeks ago for my Iron throne Q….remember that Greenspan?)

Hucks Horseshoe – at the top of the U on one side perform 5 dive bombers and 5 double count apollo ono.  run down the U and up the other side and perform 10 squats and 10 merkins.

REPEATO for the rest of the workout….

Nut punch …….. every 5 mins a timer went off and you performed 10 burpees

610 mosey to start. finish with Hucks 3 merkins.  time.

we finished around 18 rounds of the horseshoe.

announcements – starfish has the Q Purgatory on Saturday.  Alcatraz on saturday – need help unloading large pallets of rice as part of community service event.  Lee Stroble will be preaching the week prior Easter at two cities (Cherry Pie has details).  Feed stokes Half marathon on saturday.

YHC took us out.


this was my first time meeting Rollback….beast.  EC run and still made it look easy.  He did comment about the nut punch burpees

great having D Day from JAX post with us…he is not a fan of hills but promises to get any of us back on the beach if we are in Florida

Starfish never stops.  just keeps pushing.  a true HIM

Burns ate something before the workout. not sure what it was but dude was waaaay out in front all day.  pressure of 1st F off his shoulders and he is ready to go.

VG is a machine (not new).  we requested he push it this morning.  instead he hung with me,kept his heart rate at 82 and was able to talk like it was a breeze

greenspan was so happy to have dive bombers.  the pax all agreed that the dive bombers were the “rest” during this workout.  Ive never seen him so happy

cherry pie was providing recommendations for my next Q…then stated that he wanted to know when that would be so that he could skip it.

rubber ducky has been getting after it for a year and man it shows.  he’s healthy and making these workouts look easy.  he did request we use the blocks before the workout started…next time duck, not today

the pax really pushed each other this morning.  lots of moans and grunts but no complaints.  all push.  and the burpee nut punch…….glorious

thank you all for posting to Hucks Horseshoe. I hope you feel it tonight.

until next time……..I’m your Huckleberry