Urban Assault: FrankandBeans Style

QIC: FrankandBeans

Date: 04/26/2024

PAX: Frostbite, Spicoli, Zima, Super Fly, Toot, Wobegon, $5 Footlong, Palin, Van Gogh, Lamb Chop, Chick Flick, Schlitz, Rubber Duckey, FrankandBeans

YHC still considers himself a newbie to F3 as he is completing his 4th month and 2nd Q, while some of the gents in Winston-Salem F3 have been posting for 10 years (Respect!). So imagine YHC’s surprise when Schlitz asked earlier in the week if YHC could take the Q for Urban Assault on Friday. Going against deep desires to leave Schlitz’ text unread and feigning ignorance so as to avoid embarrassment for failure, YHC decided this was the perfect opportunity to accept the request for the honor it is and just go for it. That’s what F3 is all about, right?

Taking into account that Urban Assault offers a unique set of elements as it is located in the middle of downtown, YHC determined that the slopes, stairs, and corners of Bailey Park were perfect for some laps! Drawing inspiration from The Cooper, found on the F3 Exicon, today’s beatdown was adapted from a track setting to one that would live up to the name and heart of a proper Urban Assault beatdown.

Whirley w/ a Clap
Abe Vigota
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the start.


The Thang

PAX getting in their reps. F3 Winston Salem Urban Assault April 2024

PAX getting in their reps.

1 lap around park perimeter (counter clockwise)
10 Carolina Dry Docks,
10 Squats,
10 WW2s
SHOUT “10!” (or whatever # you’re on after you complete the reps and encourage one another to keep going).
Take another lap around the park.
Decrease reps by 1 each lap (9, 8, 7…)
Count down to 1.
Sounds simple, but things get gnarly after a few laps.

The MC was instantaneous. Zima started by asking for a Carolina Dry Dock demonstration followed by, “Oh, is that what we’re calling a ‘Carolina Dry Dock’ these days?” YHC politely replied, “How do you do it?” Zima slowly folded himself in two and performed a demo. While he was bent over the MC of “Um, no” and “Modify as necessary!” (thanks, Palin) was heard simultaneously under the breath of about 10 PAX. Zima, once unfolded, promptly ran off as Lamb Chop started doing 10 reps of the exercises. Once I wrangled the unruly cats and got them to run first, then do the reps we were off to the races!

In all honesty, YHC wasn’t sure how long these laps would take, so a DORA was kept in the back pocket. In the end, we spent most of our time doing laps and picking up WW2s for the 6. With 5 minutes remaining, YHC called it and we moseyed back to launch for Mary by Committee. The DORA might make an appearance at a future FrankandBeans beatdown.


Only one PAX asked about the proper form for a Carolina Dry Dock. Looks like no one else cared.

Throughout the circuit, multiple PAX followed the 4th F: Modify as necessary. YHC was chief amongst such fine HIM.

Some PAX voiced concerns along the lines of “That’s a lot of running” and “I thought you said this workout centered around WW2s?!” YHC ignored their tears.

One PAX was on call and found a way to keep the technical infrastructure of a hospital in tact while completing the beatdown. Mad props!

One PAX may be in need of a referral to a surgeon for his knee. (Rub some dirt on it, Schlitz!)

One PAX created a “pad” for his WW2 nether region rubbings and brought extras for others. How…um…nice?

Several PAX kept their head down, did the Thang, and were made better for it.

Lunch Bunch every other Friday.

GAS Groups – Take the initiative and get together with a few other PAX. You’ll thank yourself.

YHC has the Q at #Conspiracy this coming Wednesday! The new Monthly Challenge will be incorporated if at all possible.

And, just to keep the PAX accountable, we must remind the reader that a failed HC carries a 25 burpee penalty. Transcript, you’re due the next beatdown you post. #SYITG

Prayer Requests

PAX dealing with addiction and their families, two grieving PAX as they lay their parents to rest, prayers for loved ones at the cusp of a new beginning. YHC took us out.

Schlitz, I left the keys somewhere on the Vine Street hill where your knee started going wonkey. Thanks for the invite – can’t wait to do it again!

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