A Game of Cards

QIC: Doublewide

Date: 04.02.2024

PAX: Interference, Resistor, Chomper, Hitman, Singing Cowboy, Pinky

There was a near-revolt the last time I Q’d Redline because we 1) did hill repeats ONLY and 2) made everyone do merkins after one of our hills. This time I wisened up.

The Thang: Warm up clockwise around Hanes Park, stopping at the base of the Intimidator. Hill repeats: Carolina, Jersey, & Carolina again. Mosey to the track.

At the track, there was a lantern with a weinke and a deck of cards. PAX were instructed to pair up. One person drew a card and the group ran the required distance (see below). Upon return, repeat until time was called.

Heart – 100m with a 100m recovery
Diamond – 300m with a 100m recovery
Club – 400m with an OYO recovery
Spade – 600m with a 200m recovery
Jacks are wild (runner’s choice)
Jokers are 800m with an OYO recovery

We didn’t get to all the cards but fortunately, our group avoided the Jokers.


Announcements: Next happy hour(ish) is Thursday 5:30-7pm Village Tavern on Reynolda Road

Prayers: Aging family members, PAX who are traveling for spring break



  • I start a new job on Monday and will be leaving the classroom. However, I thank the assembled PAX for making me feel like a teacher again when I specifically asked everyone to pair up (Oxford dictionary defines ‘pair’ as: a set of two things used together or regarded as a unit) and NO ONE listened and they got in groups of 3 & 4 instead. Thanks for making me feel at home since no one listened to me in my classroom anyway.
  • By the time you read this, Interference will either be sitting on a beach in Turks & Caicos, snorkeling, or double-fisting the ‘free’ drinks at the all-inclusive hotel they’re staying at. Remember the SPF!
  • I tried to race Pinky and Interference up the hills and was beaten not once, not twice…but all three times.
  • Shout out to Chomper for giving me the deck of cards idea in the first place. One of my very first Redlines, Chomper Q’d and had a (much more) creative beatdown involving a deck of cards and lap running.
  • My group of 4 was Cowboy, Hitman, and Resistor. I learned that Singing Cowboy is a very fast walker and ‘recovered’ back to the start before each of us every time.
  • Hitman rigged the cards in such a way that we ended up running one of each of the exercises (except the Joker).
  • My favorite part of the workout was afterwards, while taking in the parking lot, Resistor changed shirts and came over to join us wearing his very deep V. Fingers crossed he runs in one at the next Redline!


Thanks for the keys, Chomper, I left them next to the deck of cards.

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