Iron Throne – Post Game Highlights

QIC: Adobe

Date: 2-12-24

PAX: Green Acres, Lamb Chop, Subfloor, Rubber Ducky, Adobe ( QIC )

The Day After the Super—-errr, Wait…Am I supposed to say “The Big Game” like all the other media outlets that can’t use the actual name of the event in fear of being sued by the NFL?

Oh well….you know what I’m talking about.


It was a “moist” ( crowd pleaser ) morning in the gloom.

I had done a little reconnaissance mission the day before to plot out my master plan of pain.

Subfloor and I, still a little groggy from a late football night, rolled into the parking lot at The Throne.

Rubber Ducky was already there.

A few minutes later, here comes Lamb Chop.

Time to do this thang.

I figured 4 was a good number, but then, in true #HIM fashion, Green Acres comes RUNNING in. Dudes a beast!




Mission Statement, 5 Core Principles…check.


SSH, Whirly w. Clap, Abe Vagoda, Windmills, Arm Swirlies F & B, OH Clap…..all IC.

Enough of that crap…let’s go!




Just to make sure we were all on the same page, we motioned over to the hill beside the Iron Throne main parking lot.

PAX were instructed to run to the bottom of the hill, do 10 burpees, run back up the hill. Then the next PAX in line does the same.
While waiting for everyone to complete, PAX at the top of the hill did WWII’s.

Halfway through, a few PAX were eager to get in some Squats for the February challenge. The Q obliged.




We all moseyed over to the back parking lot near the dumpsters. No blocks today though.

Plan was real simple.


Top of the lot, do 20 Mike Tysons, then Bear Crawl to the bottom of the lot. Once there, the PAX were instructed to do Usain Bolts ( 15 Upper Squats, 15 Lower Squats, 15 FULL Squats. )

After that, take a lap around the track clockwise…then over to the playground and do 10 pullups.

“And Then”

Back to the lower parking lot….Usain Bolt, Bear Crawl, 20 more Mike Tysons.


We got through 3 full rounds of that.

Sloppy, cold-ish, and regretting all the wings and beer the night before.



Moseyed back to the start and finally found some shelter.

Penguin Crunch, Mutton Crunch L&R….





Parliament 9 yr anniversary tomorrow.

greeNest needs a Q for this Saturday.



Prayers for Lambchops father in law. Recovering from a procedure.

Prayers for Subfloors father in law.

Prayers for Aging Parents.


YHC took us out.




Thank you men for posting this morning. You guys know I loathe Monday workouts.

Nice getting to chat with Lamb Chop, although briefly as he was WAY out front most of the morning.

Green Acres….always great to see you brother. BEAST! Run to the workout….kick butt while there….run back home. Think he said it was 2+ miles from his house to Iron Throne. That also meant he had to run the 2+ back. I guess I could have offered a ride. Whoops….#Cobains

Subfloor. Killed it like always. Please don’t hold it against me that I didn’t play any music this morning. LOL.

Rubber Ducky….crushed it. And…we didn’t stay dry! Win – Win, right? I hope to be invited back someday soon.

Really great AO; lot’s of terrible options.

Looking forward to using that baseball \ soccer field one of these days. A little F3 extreme football would be great.


Brothers, again, thank you. Couldn’t do it without you.


Adobe – OUT
