Warm, Wet, Wild & Wonderful Weather at W.I.B.

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 1.25.2024

PAX: Rollback, Greenspan, Dr. Toot, Draftee

Upon waking I stuck my head out the door and what a welcome:  it’s bloody tropical out here!  How glorious, I could hardly wait to go stomp around the puddles in the parking lot.  I chose my church for W.I.B., AGAIN, because I thought some of them might man up.  No such luck this time but that means I can play whatever music I want and not get reported.  I’d already decided in hopes of an FNG I’d do some station work.  Also in the back of my mind was the Merkin challenge, a challenge I have gleefully dismissed as my arms are still giving me fits.  Landed at the spot, starting setting up the carnival, and enjoying every second of my newfound Bermuda.  In comes Dr. Toot, Draftee, Greenspan and Rollback.  Only worked out with one of these guys so what a good chance to get to know new folks!

Warm-Up – my usual, let’s get SSH, Arm Circles, Chainbreakers, Swimmers, W.W.A.C., Quickmills, Lunge with a Twist.

The Thang:  pretty easy, I went through the 8 station real quick:

Jump Rope, Merkins, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Box Drill, Butterfly Drill, Ladder Drill, Band Work = one side rule was you could drop any time and do Merkins until your heart delights.  I’m a man who believes in challenges….for others, not me.

Round 1 was for a minute at each station.  Round 2 was a minute 20.  Minor screw-up by the Q for making it 20:00 instead of 1:20 on first station.  Have a complaint?  No one will hear it, the Q rules.  That’s all.  Everyone did great, Dr. Toot ripped it up with Merkins, Greenspan rediscovered his love of jumping rope, Draftee was shot out of damn cannon on the cone drills, and Rollback gets t-claps on the heels of recent accomplishments AND choosing my Q.  During parts of the workout the rain came down harder which I was all about.  It was truly glorious and fun.  Only hiccup was my 20 year old bluetooth speaker.  Out of my cold, dead hand…

Mary time – a little bit of….WIMP came out when they laid down in the puddles?  For shame.  I should have brought out the plastic like we used to in Gastonia and made a big boy slip and slide.  And wait, another fail:  all of these losers went high, like WAY high on their counts for their chosen ab exercise.  Learn to share boys, learn to share.  Pretty bold moves.



Announcements – Greenspan has I.S. this Saturday.  Hills are in the future.

Prayers – I felt compelled to lead us out, giving thanks for chances like this morning to just take joy in the little occurrences that happen, something as simple as last week it was 16° and today 60°.  Enjoyment can be found everywhere.

MOLESKIN – like a day at the carnival.  Thanks Toot for letting me lead, and I’ll keep trying the folks at my church.  You never know when that 3rd, 4th or even 50th EH will get the job done.  AYE!