Lazy Kotter Defies Death with Deck

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 1.11.2024

PAX: Harden, Sour Mash, 60 Minutes, Wooly Bugger, Franks&Beans, Dog Faced Gremlin

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve been gone.  Captain Madoff gave me the opportunity to Q as my first time back, appreciate the opportunity.  Damn cold.  I had written up a weinke that was Dora, 11’s and other stuff, but yesterday I said screw it, I don’t want to think:  Deck of Death and wing it.

People circled up, with the Dog Faced Gremlin (SC native) came up and was glad to see other idiots in the cold.  Harden and Sour Mash were off behind the church kissing or something, but despite their bromance we had to get started.

Warm-up – SSH, Arm Circles, Chain Breakers, Swimmers, Whirlies, Quickmills, Sprawls, Lunge with a Twist.  After some puzzlement they understood the exercises.  Around rep 9 of 10 :/

The Thang:  Deck of Death.  Gotta get back in shape, so let’s go full body and make it nasty:

Spades – Burpees

Hearts – Jump switch lunges (2 legs = 1)

Clubs – Jump Squats (touch ground, jump really really high)

Diamonds – Diamond Merkins

I put the radio on and we went to work.  Harden and Sour Mash showed up before the first card was dealt, huzzah!  Some good call outs on music from 60 Minutes and DFG, not easy gets.  After two rounds I could see I was certainly winded, maybe some of the others, so I took us to the 6 to work some abs.  Spring up for next round.  I went first, then Sour Mash….and after him, strangely, the virgin pile magically got shuffled into the discard pile except for 2-3 cards.  Sour Mash may have thought this was clever, however I just shuffled and made a new virgin deck.  Fatal flaw in his design.

Anyways, these are not an easy combination of exercises to do, especially when the deck starts hitting you with flushes.  After each round I had someone do an ab exercise.  Eventually we made it to 6:08 for 7MOM.  END.


  • 60 Minutes needs help with Greenest NEXT weekend, not this weekend.  Volunteer!
  • I have Alcatraz this Saturday.  Word on the street is that the first half of the hour will be a fun set of exercises designed to be FNG and kid friendly, and the second half hour will see a touch football game breakout.  That’s the word….
  • Dog Faced Gremlin gave praise to F3 for being there for him.  His is a soul that has seen heavy turbulence but 11 months ago he overcame, and now uses F3 for his glory and for others.  Good stuff!


  • Franks&Beans is working through a diagnosis issue with a family issue.  They’re kind of in limbo, so we will all pray for health, wisdom and for his family, spouse and children.  PRAY.
  • Dog Faced Gremlin needs prayers towards the health of his mother, and wisdom for her future.  PRAY.

MOLESKIN – yeah, I hibernated while my arms got jacked up….AGAIN…but I’ll try to get out more.  Asking to Q is a guaranteed way to ensure your lazy @$$ gets back to it.  See you Saturday, always an honor.
