Fertile Fields

Date: 1/10/24

PAX: Frostbite (RIRO), Schlitz (RIRO), Bevo, Rollback, Frank and Beans, Greenspan

After performing approximately half of the recommended reps at Zima’s birthday party on the Iron Throne, receiving approval from Burns to count dive bombers and Hurpees in the monthly challenge, and being asked by site-Q Frostbite to include some running, a plot was hatched in YHC’s wrinkly and dented head.  Five others joined either in ignorance or self-flagellation.


SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Up/Down Dawgs, Standing Hammies, Cherry Pies

The Thang

Pax were informed that we would be traveling and passing certain items would trigger corresponding exercise:

  • Yield Sign: Hurpees (burpee down + merkins x 3 = 1) x 5 = 15 merkins
  • Stop Sign: Dive Bombers x 10
  • Stop Light: Merkins x 25

We traveled clockwise around Hanes Park avoiding the debris from yesterday’s inclement weather while encountering 2 stop signs, 2 stop lights, and 1 yield sign.  This got us to 85 merkins.  We also stopped at the staircases on Hawthorne for 1 legged squats x 10 (both legs) and on Northwest for Romanian Deadlifts x 10 (both legs).  Pax were then given a choice of 10 more dive bombers at West End and Sunset or going up Pilot View.  To YHC’s amazement, the pax chose Pilot View.  So, we ascended to Carolina, took a right, then back down Brookstown and, in the process, encountered 4 more stop signs.  Go figure.  This got us to 125 merkins.

We then moseyed to the track for a little Catch Me If You Can.

  • Parter A moseys forward
  • Partner B performs merkins x 5, then sprint to catch Parter A
  • Flip flop & repeato until 3 laps completed. +5 * 3 * 4 = 60 merkins


Mary Under the Tennis Shelter:

  • Gas Pumps x 15 (IC)
  • Derkins x 10
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Dive Bombers x 10


Mosey to launch via West End (site-Q mutiny) and Sunset.


The End.



  • Frostbite and Schlitz EHed YHC into RIRO. Both are on the verge of becoming “runners”.  #2025BlackLoopers
  • Bevo rolled in on new wheels but at the same time. Great to see him out after sickness running through his house throughout the last month and running a marathon.  He gave us a very graphic account of what was going to happen during his “5-minute procedure” in two weeks (and which Turnover has purportedly already completed).  Roll Back made sure Bevo would have Valium on-hand pre-surgery.
    • Bevo was incredulous that YHC would include so many dive bombers after going to Zima’s craptastic birthday party on Monday. YHC responded, “I only did half of Zima’s workout.”
  • Frank and Beans is resilient, breezing through the entire workout without any MC just as he did on Monday. Watch out for him in IronPax ’24.
  • Roll Back didn’t initially appreciate YHC’s “mosey” pace on the Catch Me If You Can but was quickly stretching out the catch-up distance.
  • Frost Bite regretted not wearing longer joggers. He also dismissed YHC’s order for 10 more dive bombers at the top of the stairs / bottom of the Intimidator on the mosey home after previously arguing that we didn’t “pass” stop signs if they were facing the opposite direction.
    • YHC thought he heard Frosty request to go to higher elevations early in the workout so that we could catch more of the blustery and cold wind. YHC decided otherwise.
  • Total merkin credits = ~205, assuming four rounds of merkins per lap on the track.


  • Burns has WIB tomorrow.

Prayer Requests:

  • YHC took us out, thanking the Sky-Q for the fertility of the pax and petitioning for a safe surgery for Bevo & health for his family.

Frost Bite’s parting words:  “You’re not going to Q for a while.”  It was an honor while it lasted.  YHC threw the keys farther up Pilot View.