Carpe Diem

QIC: Burns

Date: 12.12.23

PAX: Wobegon, Van Gogh, Transcript, Cherry Pie, Burns

YHC had two HCs but was worried come 0527 when no one was in the parking lot yet. Alas, Wobegon rolled in to dispel the fears as soon as they arose, and VG was right behind him after a text that there was a road block on Silas Creek. Transcript rolled in right at 0530 and CP…well..he found us eventually.

The Q had some tech troubles early on with a EMOM timer, but eventually we got it all sorted out and the beatdown looked a little like this:

WOR: SSH, Whirlies, ISTs, Michael Phelps all x12 IC. Mosey to the bottom parking lot.

The Thang:

(12 exercises x 12 reps each) + (every minutes do 3 burpees) = 12/12/23.

The exercises were split into 4 groups of 3, 12 reps of each:

  • 1: Merkins, Squats, Low Flutter
  • 2: Wide Merkins, Reverse Lunges, Low Dolly
  • 3: Diamond Merkins, Side Lunges, Crunchy Frogs
  • 4: Carolina Dry Docks, Bonnie Blairs, Freddie Mercs

After each set, run a lap around the parking lot before moving to the next set. And every 2 minutes, do 3 burpees.

At 0610 head back up to launch for mary – about 45 seconds of mountain climbers, 3 burpees per the timer, and about 45 seconds of American Hammers. Fin.


Despite the cold, heart rates were elevated today and some sweat was visible in CoT. Mission accomplished. After a slow start because the Q was fumbling with technology, we finally got the EMOM timer working on our way down to the lower lot. Van Gogh set the pace with Transcript keeping up, YHC and Wobegon were the happy cabooses. Cherry Pie got waylaid by the Silas Creek closure and didn’t find us at the lower lot until about 12 minutes in, but he jumped right in. The music quality was questioned by most in attendance, although it would have gotten Bloodsport’s stamp of approval. The original plan was to increase each set by 12 reps, but YHC shot that down on my drive in…if you can’t do it don’t Q it. All pax were on their 4th time through the sets when time was called.

Announcements: Christmas party tomorrow, be there or bah humbug. GreeNest Saturday – reach out to the usual suspects. YHC has Conspiracy tomorrow, Cherry Pie has The Estate next week, mutual HCs were exchanged.

Prayers for pax & pax families healing from injury, for pax for whom the holiday season is/will be challenging, and for us to be disciples of the Good Word. Amen.

Thanks for the keys, Wobey!