Busted Playlist at Mayhem

QIC: Adobe

Date: 12-13-23

PAX: Dr Toot, Cruiser, Crash, Workbench, Adobe ( Q )

I hadn’t Q’ed Mayhem in a while, so when Workbench asked….I was was like, ” Yes please! 100%”

It was another brisk morning out west, so I was going to have to do something to keep us warm. And now that the hill to nowhere actually goes somewhere, it doesn’t seem as funny nor an act of futility as it did before. You know, all the things we do each morning…it’s about the physical challenge, but it’s also about the mental challenge. Push through, keep fighting, regardless of how impossible the task seems.

Let’s go!

Pulled in the lot and only one other car was there. Coffeeteria certainly could keep us warm. A minute later, more cars pulled in… Welp, looks like it’s time to get to work instead.


Mission Statement, 5 CP.

Some usual suspects here….SSH, Abe V, Whirly, little Bro-ga. Also decided to throw in the ole Goofball after SSH.



PAX were instructed to mosey down and grab a rock ( make it a big one. ) Then down to the picnic tables for a little warm family fun.

Plan was pretty simple. AMRAP, 45 seconds on, 15 second rest. 4 ( uhh hmmm.. actually 5, we’ll discuss later ) sessions. After you finish one set, take a lap around the top parking lot.
Musical playlist…here was the major fail. I can’t stress this enough guys. GO WITH SPOTIFY. Apple Music is garbage. I thought it would be good ( Ted Lasso Lockerroom Playlist. ) It was not. We pushed through it. Guys were trying to go faster so we could run away from the music.

A Side:

Set 1 = Merkins, Burpees, Irkins, Derkins, Mike Tysons — Run.

Set 2 = Block time = OH Press, Skull Crusher, Curls, Bus Drivers, Dead Press — Run.

B Side:

Set 3 = SSH, High Knees, IST, Box Jump, Apolo Ohno — Run.

Set 4 = Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Crab Jacks, Groiners, V-Ups — Run.

And last but not least…the EC set.

Set 5 = Burpees, Burpees, Burpees, Burpees, Burpees… ( We only made it through 2 )

Throw the blocks back and lets go do some…


Various core exercises were conducted. The Q was pretty spent when we got to these. Dr. Toot graciously kept the cadence count for YHC when I was trying to catch my breath. #HIM.




Greenest this weekend. Christmas party was later that night.

None spoken, YHC took us out.


You guys are awesome. Every day.

You show up, work hard, pick up the 6, push through.
Thank you always.


Adobe – OUT