A Beatdown That Will Live In Infamy

QIC: Adobe

Date: 12-7-23

PAX: Harden, Sour Mash, Cruiser, Madoff, Van Gogh, Sea-Man, Bruin, Adobe ( Q )

It was a brisk Thursday morning in #WeFoCo as we pulled into the ole’ Distillery and hopped out of the truck.

Harden and Sour Mash were already on site killing the early routine as usual. I was digging their playlist and almost wanted to pull an OMAHA on what I had in store, but decided against it. With the assistance of Cruiser, we did a quick setup of the cones and hurried back to the middle of the parking lot where we found others trickling in. With only a minute to spare, everyone welcomed each other with the “ sup ? “ and knuckle bumps.
Time to get it started.




Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles….Check and Nailed it !


Started with a little SSH, 5 Merkins, SSH, 5 Merkins, Moroccan Night Club, OH Clap, Mikey Phelps, Whirly w. Clap, Abe Vagoda.

  • That was enough of that, everyone seemed warm by then.





YHC instructed the PAX to go grab some blocks….so we did.

To the Site Q’s surprise ( Madoff ), the block pile seemed a little lite. “ Who’s been stealing all our blocks?”, he asked. Better get a chain like Rubber Ducky did at Iron Throne. Crazy….people stealing from a church. SMH. But we did have enough, so onward we went.


SO, with it being December 7th, all PAX got a quick history lesson. I reminded them that if it had been two days earlier, the workout theme would have been something related to the fall of Prohibition. ( Dec. 5, 1933 ) And that would have been a pretty cool theme for the Distillery. Oh well.


December 7th 1941.  Pearl Harbor was attacked. More than 2300 Americans lost their lives. https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/december-07

Because of their and others sacrifices, we get the opportunity to meet in the Gloom and put in the work! Thank you.

The other part of the workout that would “live in infamy” was going to be the Playlist I had created. Completely random, really good tunes that led off with The Infamous String Dusters doing a cover of Jessica – Allman Brothers.


The workout theme was a pretty simple concept…. 12 – 7 – 41 , with 4 corners marked by cones for the pain stations.

First up _ 12

The Q instructed the PAX that we were starting with laps around the cones. Once lap 2 was complete, hold at the first cone for all the other PAX and await further instructions. Once we got the 2nd lap done, I’m sure the PAX were wondering what was coming next. 10 more laps right Q?

Nope. You guys know I hate running. I told them we did lap 1 and then lap 2. 1 and 2 equals 12. ( Math skills ).


Next up _ 7 and 41

At each Pain Station, PAX are to complete 7 Up Downs, and 41 of the called exercise. ( My brain still wasn’t completely working at this point, and I didn’t write any of this down, so I am sure I misspoke on # of Reps and Exercises during the workout. Sorry guys…Q Fail )

Station 1: 7 Up Downs, and 41 Curls

Station 2: 7 Up Downs, and 41 Dead lift into a OH Press ( Didn’t know what to call these exactly; Squat Thruster without the squat? )

Station 3: 7 Up Downs, and 41 Skull Crushers

Station 4: 7 Up Downs, and 41 Bench Press – on your six


There was also two forms of travel between pain stations. Long route = John Cusack, Short route = Bus Drivers… OUCH.


We completed 2 cycles of this, and upon request ( VG ), the Q had the PAX put the blocks back and then we ran another 2 laps, which totally messed up my math. Oh well.



Circled up…. Ring of Fire ( 3 ), Low Alabama Prom Date, Freddy Mercs…. Done.





Christmas Party 13th, Shirt Orders deadline the 8th, Convergences galore \ check Slack.


Continued prayers for VG’s wife and thanks for the prayers already received.

Prayers for Cruisers, wife’s Grandmother.

YHC took us out.




As always, MAN you guys crushed this. I vowed this would be a NO AB workout, and my arms are feeling it now.

Thank you all for the push.
It was a great time. Everyone stuck together; great conversations.

While the musical selection was “questionable”, I didn’t hear any complaints.

Even found out a few PAX are EDM fans! Go figure.

During MARY, we also learned….it’s about time for Bruin the get going with his VQ. Great cadence. Someone get this man on the Q calendar!


Madoff, thank you for the opportunity brother. And get a bike chain and lock for those blocks!


Again, thank you to all our current and previous service members. Some did give all. Let us never forget.


Adobe – OUT.