A Dumb Morning Among Idiots in the Village

Date: 11/20/23

PAX: Starfish, Road Apple (EC), Schneider, Harden, Sour Mash, The Singing Cowboy (EC), Drama Queen (EC), Cruiser, Greenspan

YHC traveled west to kick off Thanksgiving week with the WeFoCo fellas.  YHC expected to see TSC and Schneider but was happily surprised to be in Road Apple’s presence for the first time in a couple of years!  We were joined by royalty (Starfish & Drama Queen), a freshly minted Spartan finisher (Cruiser), and some early birds (Mash & Harden) who ate the worms and anything else that stood in the way.


SSHs, Up/Down Dogs, Standing Hammies, Cherry Pies

 The Thang

Mosey to playground area.  Pax were informed that we would be doing a ladder.  Perform called exercise, run a lap around the track, and perform both a new exercise and all previously performed exercises.

  • Perpees (“Perfect burpees”: burpee down, merkins x 3, burpee up with a clap, Bonnie Blair) x 5
  • Pullups x 10
  • Sprinters’ Crunches x 15 (DC)
  • Merkins x 20
  • Squats x 30
  • Shoulder-tap plank jacks x 40 (SC)
  • SSHs x 50

If time allows, work way back down the ladder, dropping the perpees, then the pullups, and so on until time is called.

Mosey to launch for 5 minutes of Mary by Committee:  Cobra Crunch (Singing Cowboy, although he called it something else), Heels to Heaven, Penguin Crunch, Imperial Walkers, Freddie Mercs, something else?



  • Schneider was nursing an injured calf but showed up at the launch time for the EC run. Good habits don’t die.  Not surprisingly, he was crushing the runs during the workout.
  • Drama Queen, as is appropriate, dropped a whole lot of drama about all the running in the beatdown proper…but crushed the EC run.
  • TSC shared a brief summary of his Alaskan adventure from the early fall. We live in a vast, beautiful country, was my takeaway.
  • Cruiser, as mentioned, completed the Greenville-Spartanburg Spartan this past week, along with Bullwinkle and Swity. T-Claps, men!  Awesome achievement, and he showed up on Monday morning.  YHC learned Cruiser is a TCU man this morning and that we share an appreciation for Texas music, e.g. Josh Abbot, Pat Green, Randy Rogers Band.
  • Starfish was out front on all of the runs, as if he had somewhere else to be.
  • YHC has not seen Road Apple in person since pre-Covid, and we had to be reintroduced by TSC. Dude came early for the EC run, stayed late for the entrée.  Fantastic work.
  • Harden and Mash were smashing their own workout when the EC runners returned and then continued until the bell tolled for the early work crowd.
  • All pax made it through the round of squats x 30, and some had moved on further up the ladder. Strong work, men.  Not sure if YHC did it right, but there’s some soreness all over tonight.  The Perpees really do a number on you at the start of each round and are a dumb, brilliant idea.


  • Convergence Thursday at Speas; Green Acres on Q.

Prayer Requests:

  • None spoken, many internally. YHC took us out, thanking the Sky-Q for the morning with friends and asking for comfort for those who would be spending their first Thanksgiving without loved ones.

Thanks, all, for coming.  YHC hopes all have a blessed Thanksgiving.