Thirteen Gets You Forty-Three

Date: 10/26/23

PAX: Turnover, Huckleberry, Root Canal, Bevo, Lamb Chop, Zima, Van Gogh, Rubber Ducky, Drip, Cherry Pie, Greenspan

Twelve pax joined the Q at WIB to unknowingly celebrate a birthday at convenient (for the Q) Miller Park.


SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Down/Upward Dog Stretches, Standing Hamstring 10-Counts

The Thang

Mosey to AARP covered area under which a set of pull-up bars are located.  Stations were marked throughout the park by an orange cone accompanied by a weinke at each to give the prescribed exercise.

Stations:  1) Pull-Ups (@ AARP), 2) Bobby Hurleys / Wojos jump squats (@ southeast corner of upper circle), 3) Dive Bombers (@ western edge of upper circle), 4) Cobra Crunches (DC, @ northern edge of upper circle).  Then, a final station of SSHs on the way back down the hill to the AARP area.

Round 1 at each station:    5 reps, plus SSHs x 43

Round 2 at each station:  10 reps, plus SSHs x 43

Round 3 at each station:  13 reps, plus SSHs x 43

Round 4 at each station:  15 reps, plus SSHs x 43

Round 5 at each station:  43 reps, plus SSHs x 43

Proceed until 0615.


  • All pax made it through the first four rounds which totaled 43 reps of each exercise and ~2.7 miles of running. A gaggle got through the majority of the round of pull-ups x 43.  The 43 is YHC’s new age, as of 8:29 pm yesterday.
    • The pax were confused by a round with a rep count of 13. Simple:  5 + 10 + 15 only gets you to 30.  We needed 13 to get to 43.  Thirteen also serves as a metaphor for the past year & the things YHC didn’t see coming.
  • YHC saw Cherry Pie at the Young Life banquet on Tuesday night, and EHed him into being present.  YHC, however, didn’t really feel like hearing Cherry Pie yipyap about being responsible and warming up his arms this morning, so we skipped the Cherry Pies.
    • Speaking of yipyaps, there is a coyote den along the stream in Miller Park. Bravo, who slept in, and YHC have seen them in the early morning when running together.
  • YHC had advised pax to bring a running light; it was dark in places, but not as dark as taking the path along the stream would have been.
  • Toot was wearing his (Calvary Baptist) Cougar jacket again which has become YHC’s favorite piece of clothing that other pax wear, outside of Turnover’s tights in 70-degree weather. YHC doubts that Root’s jacket got washed since Monday.
    • Side note: an unnamed pax yesterday told YHC that he was “scared to toot” due to a stomach bug running through his house.
  • Huck the Runner was kind and held back, keeping YHC company this morning.  This was reminiscent of the West Virginia Ragnar race in August.  Huck had injured his foot and was only pain-free when sprinting; YHC, on the other hand, was content with a medium-speed mosey.  Thus, Huck would do sprint intervals, getting 100 yards ahead, while YHC would narrow the gap on Huck’s recoveries.
    • YHC:  “That was a crazy trip.”  Huck:  “And we ran a race!”
  • Zima, Van Gogh, Cherry Pie, and Turnover were out front, pulling the rest of the pax along behind them. Rubber Ducky was relentlessly pushing them.  Solid work, men.
    • Zima: “Did you think this all the way through?”  More than you know, bro; more than you know.
    • Ducky also had the most luminescent light; staying close to him ensured a well-lit path.
  • Bevo had recently experienced the Miller Park darkness in September when doing a Nomad IPC workout while YHC ran around in the dark, so he was well-conditioned for this morning and cruised through the rounds.
  • In some respects, like Turnover is Bevo’s younger lookalike, Drip is Bevo’s older doppelganger.  Great hair, a kind and generous spirit, and incredible strength.  The world is a better place because of men like him/them.
  • YHC recorded Lamb Chop saying that he would come to any WIB that was near his house. The young buck is mellowing out (and wising up) as he ages.  He was still discontent with the amount of running, so we have some work left to do.
  • The pax made known their displeasure at having to run uninterrupted from the AARP area to the southeast corner of the circle. Admittedly, it was a fairly lengthy jaunt with decent elevation gain.
  • Topics overheard amongst the pax were the supremacy of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, how having four kids under age 8 is a great scenario (for the parents), and complaints about the Apple Maps pin not lining up with the written description of the launch site (Leisure Lane vs. Queen Street).


  • None.

Prayer Requests:

  • None spoken, but Cherry Pie’s family, Huckleberry’s family, and Giles’s family are known standing prayer needs.

YHC took us out expressing thanks for F3 and the way in which you all have supported our family this year.  We are truly grateful for the prayers, ICU visits & walks, meals, texts, calls, kid pickups, and everything else I’m leaving out right now.  Thank you all.

Thanks for the keys, Root Canal.  It was good to have a cougar present to ward off the park coyotes.