Bad Counting, Good Times.

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 10-17-2023

PAX: Transcript, Giles

Cool temps and a solid Q schedule across the region had YHC wondering who we’d have at ye old Estate. Clearly, there were better choices than a Wob-Q to be had. 

Transcript was waiting when I pulled up in his fancy company car, we shot the shit, Giles came on at 5:29:30 and we decided we’d never get warm if we didn’t get going. An excellent crew of 3, let’s go. 



Mosey down to the lot behind the new bookstore.

  • 10 Merkins
  • Sprint to end
  • 10 LBCs

Repeat-decline by one till 1 each

Mosey to patio area 

  • 10 squats 
  • 10 alternating leg raises 

Repeat-decline by one till 1 each

Mosey to lower lot

  • 10 shoulder taps (10 each side)
  • Apollo Creed down
  • 10 Lunges (10 each side)

Repeat-decline by one till 1 each

Time grew short so we stopped at five reps and headed up for Mary and some stretching.

And done.

Great conversation and poor counting, we took turns not knowing what number of rep we were on. Also traded stories on 2.0 insubordination and the weird exercises they make you do at the Y. Safer here in the Gloom, right? 

The bed was warm, but all three Fs made it well worth the effort of getting up—amazing we have to relearn that so often. The Q needed a little extra push to get going and may or may to have floated the notion that no one would know if we just went home. Some days are like that. Glad to have pushed through it. 

  • Prayers for peace and the world, hope for clarity and direction in health issues. 
  • Greensboro 9-year convergence Saturday, clown car or cars leaving Speas at 6:10. 


Thankful for each and every one of you.