Running_Merkin_Burpee Party at the Estate

QIC: Adobe

Date: 9-12-23

PAX: Burns, Crash, wobegon, Burlap, Rustbucket, mutton, cruiser, Adobe

It was an interesting trek into uncharted Gloom territory this morning. I literally received directions twice in advance and still managed to end up in the wrong end of the parking lot at The Estate. With Cruiser by my side for moral support, even he was looking a little unsure of my navigational skills, and we had already begun the discussion of a potential Coffeeteria. Then Cruiser suggested ” hey, I think you should follow this road and take a right up the hill”. So we did.

And just like that, poof, The Estate was in sight….and there were actual human PAX already waiting for us ( not just cars ). ” Crap… No Coffee. ”

With 2 minutes to spare, we parked the car and made a DASH over to greet the eager PAX.

Let the games begin…

Intros, Mission Statement, 5 CP…. Check.

Warm O Rama:

SSH, IST’s, Abe Vagoda, Arm Swirlies F&B, Whirly w. Clap  ( All IC )

All officially warm….let’s go.

The Thang:

Having missed the EC run, my game plan oddly enough included…..More Running!

We made our way over to the walking trail ( I had no idea where any of these landmarks were. Thank you PAX for pointing us in the right direction. Think it was Burns who commented ” He’s playing this one off really well”, like SURE you don’t know where Pure Barre is Adobe… *wink, wink* ) I didn’t. I never go to Reynolda Gardens in the day time, let alone in the early gloom. Crazy drivers!

The plan was simple.

Round 1:

4 rounds. Run up the running path to Faculty Drive at WF to Station 1. Do 3 exercises. Run back to the start which was Station 2. Do the next 3 exercises. Back to Station 1….then back to Station 2. ( See image below )

wide merkins, copperhead squats, lbc’s

merkins, imperial storm troopers, crunchy frogs

diamond merkins, alt. lunges, freddy mercs

hand release merkins, american hammers, low dollies

Round 2:

We again had to run to somewhere I had no idea where we were going. HONESTLY!

To the big hill. Partner Up. Name of the game was there were 5 different exercises, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.
Each PAX did the same exercise “together”, one at the top and one at the bottom of the hill. Once complete, Partner 1 runs Up the hill Backwards, while Parther 2 runs down the hill Forward, tagging in the middle. Then start on the next exercise. ( Again, see image below )

10 Burpees, 20 Box Cutters, 30 SSH , 40 ww2’s, 50 plank jacks.

Man these PAX were fast. We knocked these out so fast that the Q had to improvise a little once we complete this round. For good measure, I added in another 20 Burpees OYO at the bottom of the hill.


Q called out a PAX choice to close us out. LBC’s, Box cutters, Protractor ( Crowd Pleaser…Thank you Rustbucket ), Mutton Crunch….




GreeNest this weekend. PAX needed. See Slack.


None spoken. YHC took us out.



Awesome AO. It was my first time, but not my last. So many options! I need to get out here during the daylight to explore more.

Great Mumblechatter this morning.

You guys crushed this workout. I thought I had packed it with enough reps and exercises to fill the time. Almost. You men put in the work this morning. We arrived to the next station, and everyone was like, “what’s next!?” Loved the energy.

Thank you guys for allowing me to lead. Thank you for the support and the push.

Adobe — out.

Wobegon, I have no idea where the keys were….if I ever found them, or where I left them. Good luck brother.