Semi-bulls in the Ring

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 8.31.2023

PAX: Dr. Toot, Zima, BooBooBustAMove, Starfish, Bam, Rubber Ducky, Puddin' (FNG)

Ever Q’d an AO you’ve never been to?  Life’s about adventure.  A glorious morning for outdoor work, and up until 5:28 I thought i was going to be alone.  Here comes a pack of mean looking guys so looks like game’s on.  Coupons and toys are all laid out so let’s warm up.

WU – my standard, but counts to 11 in respect to the Site Q, Dr. Toot.  Side straddle hop, Arm Circles, Chain Breakers, Swimmers, Whirly with a (the) clap, Quickmills, Alternating lunge with a twist.

The Thang – WIB is about what you can fit in a bag and also that the AO moves around.  So, I put stuff in a bag, made a circle so as to respect the “roundabout” nature of WIB, here’s what’s what:


Jump Rope

70lb Kettlebell

Cone drill – boxes

25lb Plate

50lb Kettlebell

Cone drill – butterflies

Ladder drills


I won’t bore with the details, but a choice of exercise at the weighted stations, otherwise cardio.  Usually I set it for 1.25 minutes, then we all rotate.  One kicker – the 70lb KBell was in the middle of the ring, and when there you have the option to make someone do burpees at any point for the remainder of the station.  The kind Dr. called on me but at least he did them with me.  Rubber Ducky called out our FNG!  Cold.  I called out RD and Bam, and Bam only because I don’t think we’ve worked together before.  Zima called out everyone…..######in’ twice.   Can’t remember if any more, most just did the moves and moved on.

I noticed at the time but with me running around and keeping things on track I was getting pretty winded.  I’d told myself that I was going to make a cardio-hell move earlier in the week, so after two rounds of Bull in the Ring it was about 6:05 so time for….

Thunderstruck – you know it, you hate it:  play the song, SSH’s throughout but a burpee when you hear the word THUNDER.  About half-way through I was really gassed, but Zima gave a good push and seeing everyone suffering helped too.  So, that damn thing came to an end so time for…

SMOM – around the circle, everyone called out their favorite, and it ended perfectly on time with Bam closing us out at 6:15.  I asked my friend Mark Wilson, aka FNG, aka now “Puddin'”, what ab exercise he had for us and he said “how about we quit?”.  That got a good laugh, keep in mind Puddin’ is 66 and just got released from medical hiatus.  Man’s man.


  • Convergence Labor Day at IT.
  • Dr. T needs a Q for September 16th as he’s double-booked on Saturday.  Hook him up with the original IS as a Q.
  • Greenest needs support on September 16th as well.  Link up with Starfish for the goods (unsure if just help needed, or a leader).


  • Popeye
  • Hurricane people’s
  • Chapel Hillians
  • Hawaii folks
  • Military

MOLESKIN:  I though this one would be fluid and fun, took a bit more to explain and make sure it was right.  Then, it was a matter of being uptight during the exercises making sure it went right!  Still, I’ll remember the weather at this one, and each time I walk in the church at Mt. Tabor UMC I’ll think of doing stupid stuff in that same parking lot.  Good brothers to work out with today, give WIB a whirl if you haven’t before.  Again good push from Zima and all, aye!
