The Diamond Deacs and All The Runs

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 6-6-2023

PAX: Ban, Starfish, Mutton, Crash

WFU hung 15 runs on George Mason on Sunday, so we celebrated with 9 (approximate) 5-minute innings at the Estate this morning. The runs scored in each inning dictated the number of exercises.

1st: Warm-O-Rama and mosey to lower lot

2nd: 3 Excercise: 10 reps each: LBC, Squat, Merkin. A lap around the lot, repeat-o.

3rd: 5 runs, five exercises: Lunge Right, Lunge Let, Shoulder taps, Heels To Heaven, High Knees, Diamond Merkins. Lap again.

4th: One run, one routine: The Arm Things Rotation Routine (The ATRR)

    1. Arm Swirly both directions
    2. Overhead Claps
    3. Seal Claps
    4. Night Clubs
    5. Phelps

Run to the end of the street, repeat-o.

5th: One run, one routine: The Deconstructed Traveling Burpee (The DTB)

    1. Squat
    2. Plank
    3. Merkin
    4. Lunge Walk 4 steps (two on each leg)

6th: No runs, so…we run! Slow mosey around the AO for five minutes.

7th: The Seventh Inning Stretch with Abe and some yoga moves (Hat tip to Spicoli). FYI, four runs scored.

8th: No runs, so we run the long way round back to Start for…

9th: Mary


Prayer Requests: graduations, exams, and the ensuing family togetherness.

Go check out the Book Ferret, the new bookstore in Robinhood, by Burke Street Pizza. Friends of Bams, The Nalls (Charlie used to work with YHC as well, good people! He posted to the ruck once, I think?) Anyway, go buy a book!

YHC took us out in thanks. Great morning; I appreciate the effort and fellowship.