Site Q changeover!

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 6/12/2023

PAX: Schlitz, zima, turnover, green acres, crash, rubber ducky, Ziggy stardust, reddick, boomerang, and cherry pie!

When getting up this morning I didn’t know it would still be raining. So I wrote another workout real fast incase everyone wanted to stay dry. They did not so we stuck with the original.
Basic warm up-

20 SSH

10 hillbilly

10 imperial

ALL of the arm swirlies because cherry pie was in attendance

Mabe vigoda

worley and his unfortunate clap

Tine to run!

all the way around the back of the building circling back to the blocks.

the next workout seemed so awesome in my head but man was it boring so we had to Omaha in the middle.
-partner up. One cinderblock per partners.
one partner holds a wall squat at the start of the parking lot while the other runs to his conderblock and does and around the world motion to move the block forward. Then he runs back to his partner so he can do the same. O next ice is to get the block all the way back to the start. We even cut wall squats to add merkins. Still boring so on to the next workout!

20 curls

20 overhead press

20 skull crushers

20 bent over row

20 more curls because I like doing them

next up!

run back to behind school to first speed bump, then crab walk to 2nd, then bear crawl from the third to bottom of the hill. Once they’re mosey to the first entrance to the school for Silas creek.

partner up again

dora but not the basic moves and just running to the top flag pole and back . She was-

100 prisoner get ups

200 V ups

300 Smurf jacks (which we did not get to)

back to launch for merry!


Great work by all the guys. I was a bit bummed that first part of the workout was a big ol stinker but you don’t know until you try something. The main part of everything is that we are out there giving it our best. A man can’t show progress by staying home. Continue to encourage each other to be the men they have always wanted to be. Cheers and thank you for coming out 🍻