7-4 = 3 or 3+4 =7

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 06/29/2023

PAX: Bootcampers - Sour Mash, Schneider, Drama Queen
Runners - 60 Minutes, Harden, Skyline, Adobe

YHC has been slacking lately on backblasts (see what I did there). I report #s but never get around to details like the old days.

Trying to catch up on a lot of stuff before some vacation time and this will check one box.

Thought there was going to be quite the crowd for my kinda forgotten Q at The Distillery.  6 other familiar faces showed up well before time.  YHC had a speaker failure and Schneider was able to help a brother out.  But when YHC was ready to begin, headlights and reflective gear were observed and it was determined that 4 were there for part 2 of a doubledown training run.  Schneider said if showers had been taken after last night it didn’t count.  He was summarily dismissed.

The running separatists did join in warmorama which consisted of the standards with a little extra stretching just for them.  They departed and YHC and the band Perry journeyed to the parking lot.

Blocks were retrieved and speaker turned to the Drinking Songs playlist and we were off on an tried and true DQ standard, The 700 Club.  14 exercises total on 2 cardboards about 30 yds apart.

Exercises on block end:

Swings, curls, squats, dead lifts, OH press, bent over rows, Omaha (from floor to shelf) to skull crushers

Exercises on body weight end:

Merkins, LBCs, plank jacks, low dollies, monkey humpers, Freddie Mercuries, SSHs

run to other end after each set

2 sets of each exercise x 25 reps x 14 exercises = 700 total reps – thus the 700 Club

We sped thru those with time to spare for Mary which consisted of low flutters, Mutton crunches, dynamic Supermans, bird dogs, maybe something else and plank to finish.


Schneider learned White Lighting by George Jones was on the playlist not Greased Lighting from Grease

Other discussions covered baseball’s use of communication devices, The Braves, Cherry Pie’s workout from yesterday, mine and Mash’s friendly weight loss wager

We think runners added some extra distance just to avoid Mary.

There were no wrestling exercises today – not sure if pax were happy or not


4th convergence at Jamison Park – Adobe reports Van Gogh’s 1776 workout sucks – verb present tense noted.  Sounds like he has already started in order to complete by 7:00 AM July 4

COT  (included all)

Lifted up those who may have stuff going on we don’t know about, illnesses, Rubber Ducky

YHC took us out

Always an honor and apologies for lack of my recent backblasts