Muskrat Love

QIC: Dr. Toot

Date: 18 May 2023

PAX: Burlap, Green Acres, Giles, Mai Tai(former FNG Isaac), Dr. Toot, Ziggy Stardust, D-Day

In a surprise twist, I was the Q for TRQ this am, and boy, was that fun! Green Acres was kind enough to let me know that I had over committed, so here I was. Dusting off a frequently requested beatdown, I came prepared.

Much to our wondering eyes did appear, but an FNG, Isaac, who was ready for whatever came his way.

Dispensing with mediocre preambles and warmoramas that included stretchy stretches, we ambled 30 feet to the long parking lot for …

THE THANG: Four Corners with 10 burpees at the first corner, 10 burpees and 20 merkins at the second corner, 10 burpees and 20 merkins and 30 bootstrap squats at the third corner, and 10 burpees and 20 merkins and 30 bootstrap squats and 40 Freddy Mercs at the fourth corner.

Ambling to the playground for 5 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, and 15 bootstrap squats, we added the dulcitone melodies of Neil Sedaka “Calendar Girl” and Anne Murray “Could I Have This Dance”. Approval by the PAX was swift and sure.

Lastly, we grabbed large stones for 20 curls, curls, overhead presses, curls, and another that eludes my memory at the moment.

Ambling back to the AO, we ended with Mary, which was WWIIs til time.

COT: Prayers for healing PAX, praises for healed PAX.

MNM: Burlap was super pleased with the tunes, whilst others did the forehead smack, and the young’s were just confused. Mai Tai, inspired by Isaac from the Love Boat, was invited by Palin, who must have a bad case of laryngitis because we never heard a peep. Form master Green Acres was not to be cheated due to time as he ripped out each rep with tremendous form. Giles was his normal Mona Lisa contented self. D-Day made a play for head of the class status during the rock throwing portion. All in all, a swell time was had by all.

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    May 24, 2023 2:57 pm

    Great workout! I may copy it for a future Q. Thanks for leading and for your enthusiasm! ❤️

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