The line was flat, the conversation was excellent.

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 4-4-2023

PAX: Spicoli, Lambchop, Dr. Toot, Bevo

The morning began with a text from Spicoli, who wanted to know our locations should he be late. Say what you will; the man plans for it, at least.

Met up with Lambchop in the lot, others rolled in, and 530 struck, let’s go.

Mosey over to the Sawtooth outdoor theater.

11s! 10 merkins at the bottom, jog upstairs, 1 LBC. Keep adding/subtracting till it’s reversed.

Back to the lot, all the way to the far wall, and get in people’s chairs. The main routine went like this:

  1. Start at the wall. Mike Tysons/Jack Reachers/Rebound Drill, 5 reps each.
  2. Mosey down the center of the lot to the far end.
  3. At the end, do 5 reps of an ab exercise (pax choice).
  4. Bear crawl to the right corner.
  5. Shoulder taps in the right corner, 5 reps double count.
  6. Mosey down and around, all the way back to the upper left corner
  7. Alternating lunges/squats/Hillbillys at the upper left corner, 5 reps each.
  8. Mosey all the way around, back to the wall and start again.

At 555 we upped the reps to 10. Most of us did. Kind of. It was suggested by the Q at any rate.

611 back to the middle for fast tempo Mary and done at 615 on the nose.

Prayer requests: parents, new children, and those traveling for spring break.

Bevo took us out with insight and grace.

The conversation was good, but maybe not something we all want to be written down for posterity. Bevo had some shopping adventures. Lambchop may get out of his Zoom Monday. Dr. Toot is, without question, the wise elder statesman of the group. Babies today come with even more accessories than they did 13 years ago, apparently (head doughnut floaties and some kind of hose-test tube contraption that goes in various and sundry orifices) Spicoli time is Spioli time, and we don’t mind.

Enjoyed the morning,  boys. Bevo, the keys are locked behind the counter in the cabinet; talk to the staff to get it opened for you. No, the OTHER cabinet.