A Gaggle of April Fools

Date: April 1st, 2023

PAX: Lamb Chop, Cheesesteak, Spicoli, Palin, Mutton, Drip, BooBoo + Picnic Basket, BamBam, Greenspan

Neither gale warnings nor April Fools could deter 8 pax + 1 dog.0 from joining YHC and his 2.0 at Hanes Park for an Impossible Situation.  Here’s what happened.


SSHs, Cherry Pies Abe Vigoda, Down/Upward Dogs

The Thang

Mosey to steps at bottom of Intimidator.  Single-legged calf raises x 10, IC, x both legs.

Walk to bottom of stairs and partner up.  Partner A performs lateral pullups on swings x 15; Partner B performs assisted pistol squats at picnic tables AMRAP.  Flip flop and repeat 3 times.

Then, partner A performs right legged step ups x 10 while partner B performs derkins, AMRAP.  Flipflop.

Mosey to Pilot View.  Partner A runs to “Do not enter sign” at Carolina; partner B performs exercise.  Flip flop until pair accumulates numeric target:

  • Monkey Humpers x 100
  • Jack Reachers + Chest Press x 100
  • Dans x 100
  • Parker Peter Merkins x 100

Mosey back to circle at bottom of Intimidator for dips x 20 (IC).

Mosey home for 3 minutes of Mary consisting of flight attendants, WW2s, low flutters, and mutton crunches.


  • Glad to see a good number of pax posting to #IS. YHC picked up the Q from world-traveling Turnover on his way to jolly old England.  It would be fitting if he applied for citizenship or a name change while there.
  • Palin was early getting in a good 10 minutes of stretching. Spicoli and BooBoo, + Picnic Basket, were on (their own) time.
  • Mutton and Ziggy were ever steady and appreciative of the workout, no complaining, just getting after it.
  • Palin, Drip, and Cheesesteak are suspected of trying to lead BamBam astray, resulting in an attempted coup. Apparently, they got tired of running up Pilot View.
  • Palin, not unexpectedly, pretended to have difficulty understanding what Parker Peter Merkins consisted of. Lamb Chop, again, not unexpectedly, did have difficulty with counting to 100.  If it were up to him, we’d still be on 26 monkey humpers.
  • There was some confusing chatter about which of YHC’s 3 children he would save in an apocalyptic situation.  Lamb Chop assumed that YHC would only try to preserve his lineage rather than the entire human race.
  • Lamb Chop also thought that 100 Lt. Dans were unreasonable for a 45-minute workout. Fortunately, this was a Saturday.
  • BamBam has an extremely heavy footfall (like his daddy). The boys over at Purgatory should have been able to hear him if their hearing aids were turned up and their yammering was turned down.
  • Spicoli was kind and encouraging to BamBam. It was truly beautiful.
  • YHC told Drip that this was his reward for what he did to the pax on Monday at Iron Throne. Still sore from that.
  • Palin said the 1-legged calf raises were effective, that he was used to using two legs for things like that.


Q School coming up…sometime in April.

Everyone at #IS missed Huck’s Alcatraz Q.  You’re welcome.

GreenNest is happening (or happened, by the time you’re reading this).

Prayer Requests:

  • Starfish’s and Frostbite’s family.
  • Green Acres’s ongoing treatment.
  • Turnover’s trip to England (he’s probably over the Atlantic right now).

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity, Mutton!  I’ll try to be back sooner than later.  As usual, the keys were left on Pilot View, right at the “Do not enter” sign.