This is why we do this

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 3-31-2023

PAX: Singing Cowboy, Schnider, Sea-Man, Drama Queen, Sour Mash, Skyline, U-Turn, Sassy, Harden

Running workouts don’t need much of a backblast, and BBBC is probably the easiest Q out there. But this week at Big Boys Breakfast Club just hit different. So, this is really all moleskin but I wanted to document:

Nothing special, really, about the morning. However…

This morning we had:

  • Guys pushing themselves for personal challenges–either from their apps or their race registrations or their hope to be a little better (or stretch the legs).
  • Guys who have not been out in a long time, jumping right back in
  • Guys who have not missed a workout in weeks, including the ECs.
  • Runners, walkers, fast and slow of both
  • Conversations, check-ins, connections and all the things you hope F3 brings us.
  • Ended with a weekday coffeeteria, which YHC is calling Second Breakfast (NERD!!!) that featured some additional excellent conversation and possibly alarmed the Panera employees. Dudes in matching shirts talking about the Devil House and meth labs over dark roast. Can’t think of a better way to start the day.

Anyway, thanks to you all. It’s Good Friday next week, a day off for many of us, so I’m hoping we have a repeat-O of all this. Consider me an HC.