Pre-St. Pattys Day Beatdown

QIC: Adobe

Date: 3-16-23

PAX: Sea-Man, Triple Play, Sour Mash, Eye Candy, f3schneider, 60 Minutes, cruiser, Adobe ( Q )

Holy slack, I have been slack about finally getting around to posting the BackBlast. @Madoff, #Cobains. But, better late than never, right?

Twas the morning before St. Patty’s Day, and all through the #Distillery. 8 merry lads ( PAX ) were stirring, eager for the #DRP…..or is it supposed to be green for any St. Patricks related workouts? Not sure – need to phone a friend on that one.

Oh well, let the games begin.

( Disclaimer: With such a short time to plan this beatdown, SOME portions of this workout came from the brothers in F3 Indianapolis. Be advised. )


The boys at F3 Indy had some really hilarious “Limericks” to accompany each part of the workout, but since @Sea-Man’s son Triple Play was here, I decided to curb them until after the workout. ( See images below ).

Started with:
Irish Jig – ( SSH )

Shamrock Pickers – IC ( Whirly w. Clap )

Dublin Dums – IC ( Al Gore w. Jack Reachers x20 )

“McVagodas” – IC



Round 1: Irish Car BOMBS ( Ole McDora )

Partner Up. Partner 1 exercises, Partner 2 runs the parking lot.

50 Up-Downs

100 O’Dips – Curb

150 McMerkins

150 Big Danny Boy Sit-Ups

150 St. Squats


Round 2: 4 Leaf Clover Corners

Start at any corner you want ( Very Democratic ). Do the exercise listed at each corner, then you must Red Bearded Bear Crawl to the next corner. Do the next exercise, and then Lung Walk to the next corner. Complete all corners and await further instructions.

Corner 1: 25 Shoulder Taps

Corner 2: 25 Plank Jacks

Corner 3: 25 American Hammers

Corner 4: 25 Monkey Humpers


TIME – No Marcy Mary this morning, we had a special treat the Q brought ( Keeping in Tradition from last year. ) Coffee and Doughnuts for all. Stupid Krispy Kreme didn’t have the green ones the night before when I went to pick them up. I thought this was a little fishy on the Kremes part. Stupid rules.

Count off, and COT:

I took us out. Prayers for Eye Candys daughter and 60 Minutes co-workers family.

It was an honor as always gents. Thank you for the opportunity to Q and for the push. It was a mild-ish beatdown, but effective and always fun to be with my #WeFoCo brothers.

Adobe, out.