Blokus or How Can You Not Do Blockees With That Name

QIC: Subfloor

Date: 3/28/2023

PAX: Dr. Toot, Gretel, Cruiser, Recess, Schneider, Madoff, Ziggy Stardust, Adobe, Sex Wax

YHC arrived early to set up the Blokus beatdown. Sex Wax arrived next, but I assume was new to the AO and parked in the middle of the lot instead of the outsides like the rest of us seasoned Parliamentarians. Adobe and Cruiser showed up with a very awake Recess since YHC noted in the preblast that the workout would be based on a game. Probably wishes he didn’t wake up so early. Adobe brought his trusted boom speaker and YHC quickly paired his phone so we blared Lady Gaga songs during the beatdown since it was her 37th birthday as of March 28, 2023. Happy Birthday! YHC apologized that not all the songs were kid appropriate.


  • SSH x 12
  • Seal Claps x 12
  • OH Claps x 12
  • Michael Phelps x 12
  • Arm Swirly Things x 12
  • Things Swirly Arms x 12
  • Abe Vigoda x 8
  • Whirly with a Clap x 8

The Thang:

Mosey to the blocks and get in groups/teams of four, while YHC sets ups the beatdown under the lights. When the PAX gets back, they somehow only get into three groups. YHC had to then split one team up. They then picked their team color: Blue, Yellow, Red, or Green. After that, one representative picked a Lady Gaga album cover (sorry Cruiser, not all age appropriate) out of 5 options. YHC informed the teams to flip their cover and under each one was an exercise. Unfortunately, the one not chosen was Blokus Squats, so that meant Blockees, along with Blokus Merkins (merkin plus drag the block across), Blokus Swing (kettlebell swing), and Blokus Crushers (Skull Crushers).

After the selection process, the real fun began as we started the beatdown inspired by the ancient Bandrikian game of Blokus. It means block, so you can see what inspired the exercises chosen. Each team had a selection of 21 various shaped pieces in their respective colors, ranging in sizes from 1 to 5 blocks. Starting with blue, a member of each team would choose a block and lay it on the board via the rules of Blokus. That team would do 5 reps of their exercise while the other teams would do that same exercise  x5 of the number of blocks in the laid down piece. The playing team would then hold plank for the six. Then each subsequent team would play in the same way. After this first round, PAX would bear crawl to center of parking lot and then crawl bear back. YHC planned to do this with blocks but thought better of it in the moment.

All in all, I think we did a total of 4 rounds, which was close to 100 blockees for some of us, as well as a large amount of the rest. Some were team players and didn’t pick 5 block pieces every time. YHC was a little ambitious, but now knows how this could be better.

We then put our blocks back and back to the start for Mary. Adobe complemented YHC for the well timed cue, as Marry the Night was playing, but YHC had to admit this was serendipitous.


See Dr. Toot for hockey tickets this Saturday.

Prayer requests

Injured brethren to heal up.

Travelers on Spring Break.