Block work at Iron Throne

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 3/6/23

PAX: cherry pie, airbag, crash, cheesesteak, zima, van gogh, greenspan, boomerang, green acres

10 pax gather on a warm Monday morning to start the week off with a Huckleberry Q.  The goal – burnout the upper body (I have the Q at Flatline tomorrow which will focus on the cardio and legs).

0530 – warm o rama – SSH, Abe V, IW (no arm stretches due to cherry pie – blame him)

grab a block and head to the playground.

design was simple – perform exercise 1, then overhead carry your block around the outside of the playground. perform exercise 1 and 2, then overhead carry.  keep going up the ladder, then come back down.

Exercises, 3 Hurpees (burpee with 3 merkins), 6 pull ups, 9 up right rows, 12 merkins, 15 goblet squats, 18 V ups.

back for Mary – Freddy merc, and hucks merkins


the lap was the perfect distance – had to push to keep the block up but doable

green acres was excited about the pullups

lots of complaints but everyone crushed it

shoulders were tired


thanks for the keys – always a pleasure to lead the Throne

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    March 8, 2023 6:42 pm

    Yes, simple but very tough beatdown. Shoulders tired for DAYS. Great job! 👏. YHC proud to keep jogging all the way home. 🥵

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