Weather Balloons

Date: 2/6/23

PAX: Spicoli, Burns, Transcript, Greenspan

Four pax got together at the Launch Pad to continue the gazing at the sky looking for balloons.


SSHs, ISTs, Stretches

The Thang

Mosey to swings and partner up for tabata.  30 seconds on, 10 seconds off.  Lateral pull-ups on the swings for partner A; partner B performed squats.  Flip flop and repeato two more times.

Mosey to Burns’ bridge; each group picks a single rock from under the bridge.  Mosey with rock to tennis court.  Partner A shuttle runs to the end lines of each of the three courts, partner B performs exercise.  Flip-flop.  Exercises were Curls, OH press, bent-over rows, side-to-side merkins, left-handed merkins, right-handed merkins.

Mosey back to swingset for two more sets of lateral pullups.

Mosey to covered area for 15 minutes of Marybata.  30 seconds on, 10 seconds off:  mountain climbers, left-side crunch, glute bridge, right-side crunch, heels to heaven, low dolly, WW2s, Hillbilly.  Then unwind it back to the beginning:  Hillbilly, WW2s, low dolly, heels to heaven, right-side crunch, glute bridge, left-side crunch, mountain climbers.



  • Blood Drive 2/18. D-Day and Splash are coordinating.

Prayer Requests:

  • Transcript’s wife’s health.
  • Financial challenges being faced by pax and their families.

YHC took us out.


  • While performing lateral pullups, someone mentioned looking for the Russian balloon. Oak Summit Park would be as appropriate a place as any other for the balloon to come down.
  • Burns invented a rule that you have to bear crawl the bridge to the tennis court. YHC found the loophole (that Huckleberry will inevitably solve) that carrying a rock limits one’s ability to bear crawl.  Seems like a stupid rule to me, anyway.
  • Spicoli almost let the pax get away from CoT without the group picture. We recovered and got a pretty dang good capture.
  • Transcript was there early stretching out. He offered up high praise for the effectiveness of Romanian Deadlifts to punish the hamstrings.  Oddly, he was performing pulsing lunges as a warmup.
  • The trip from Ardmore to the Launchpad took 11 minutes. Just for the record, “it’s not that far”.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Burns.  You crawled over the keys on the bridge.