President’s Day

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 2/20/2023

PAX: Boomerang, DQ, Zima, Hansel, Gretel, Cruiser, Schneider, Offsides, Adobe

10 pax gathered on President’s Day for a Huckleberry Q at VI. At 0530 we took off and moseyed to the corner of Village Point Drive.  If you have never been on this road, it is amazing – 3 lanes, bike lanes on both sides, and sidewalks on both sides.

the workout was simple.  it is ~1 mile to the school from the corner of the road.  Being President’s Day, I reflected on FDR’s movement to build a wall of trees.  To ensure Forsyth County was doing the job of planting trees, we would stop at every tree on that 1 mile road and perform 2 burpees, 3 merkins, and 4 squat jumps.  yep….that was it.  oh, there was a bonus……. half mile in, there were 4 sets of bricks.  if you were one of the first 4 pax there, carry 2 bricks with you to the finish.

we reached the school….mosey back.

it’s 617….time’s up.

Announcements – DQ has Q next week and he will not do this workout.

Prayers – Gretel has a mentor who was just diagnosed with stage IV gallbladder cancer

YHC took us out.


turns out there are 55 trees along that one mile road.  110 burpees, 165 merkins, 220 jump squats, and bricks for half of these. well done fellas.

zima dropped a 4 letter word in my direction – thats a compliment

Hansel and cruiser lost a layer of clothing during the workout – also a compliment

Boomerang tried to throw a brick into the woods – another compliment

Overall it appears to be just a bunch of compliments.  What a great Q!

All pax worked hard and pushed this morning.  thank you for posting an putting up with me……

Hey seaman, it’s 2023….you dont need keys anymore so we tossed them.


Until next time…..Huckleberry


  • Green Acres
    February 20, 2023 4:30 pm

    Yep, I can see why you got all those compliments. Nice beatdown! 👏. 🥵

  • Spicoli
    February 20, 2023 6:35 pm

    Dang that’s a badass beatdown. Hate to have missed it, kinda

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