Misery at the TIT

QIC: Burns

Date: 2.27.23

PAX: Frostbite, Cherry Pie, Green Acres, Schlitz, Drip, Ziggy Stardust, Chubz, Turnover, Huckleberry, Workbench, Rubber Ducky, Palin, Burns

YHC was pleased to see a large turnout this morning. Perfect weather. Great 2nd F with Frostbite on the EC. Unsuspecting pax (who were warned to go to Launchpad!) ready to kickstart their week. A recitation of the 5 core principles, a brief disclaimer that may not have passed the standards of the nantan emeritus, and our mission statement. The recipe for success was followed to a tee.

We warmed up – SSH, Hillbillies, Whirlies (miss that guy!), some high plank/low plank/stretchy stretch followed by Merkins, and some Michael Phelps. Cherry Pie opted for burpees.

We moseyed carefully down the dewy slope to the large kickball field for the thang

  • Home plate: 20 burpees
  • LF corner: 20 plank jacks, 20 burpees
  • CF corner: 20 squats, 20 plank jacks, 20 burpees
  • RF corner: 20 WWIIs, 20 squats, 20 plank jacks, 20 burpees
  • Home plate: 20 diamond merkins, 20 WWIIs, 20 squats, 20 plank jacks, 20 burpees
  • RF corner: 20 diamond merkins, 20 WWIIs, 20 squats, 20 plank jacks
  • CF corner: 20 diamond merkins, 20 WWIIs, 20 squats
  • LF corner: 20 diamond merkins, 20 WWIIs
  • Home plate: 20 diamond merkins

8 minutes of Mary – Freddie mercs, low flutters, LBCs, muttons both ways, American Hammers all x20 IC, then some high plank variations for time.

Q was exhausted. Pax seemed to be too. Fin.


I made the bold claim during WoR that this would be Cherry Pie’s favorite workout – jury’s still out.

Lots of incredulity at the first announcement of 20 burpees. Said disbelief only grew with each round.

Palin, of course, talked the whole time. Turns out Rubber Ducky is willing (and able!) to match the volume of Palin’s banter.

The burpees were no match for Huck, Cherry Pie, or TO. Those three led the charge all morning.

Great to see Chubz out to another beatdown – nary a peep from him while he crushed it. If he’s not careful he’s going to become a regular around these parts.

Our elder statesmen of the morning, Green Acres, Drip, and Ziggy, all seem to have discovered the fountain of youth. Maybe that’s why they’re always in a good mood, too. Can’t get those guys down no matter how brutal the beatdown.

Frostbite commented offhand during the EC run that he thought he’d be worthless during the beatdown since it was his first EC run (checks calendar) ever. Glad to report his hypothesis was wrong.

For a new daddy, Schlitz has a lot of energy. F3 seems to be doing him some good. Keep it up buddy!

Workbench suggested a friendly victory lap around the field in lieu of some extra Mary – YHC considered, but opted to keep the running-wary pax satisfied. Two trips around the field was >.5 miles on the day already and Mary was calling our name.

In general, far less animosity towards the Q than anticipated. Huck even told me it was a great workout, so avoid his future TIT Qs.


Huck has Parliament tomorrow, reach out to the guys you haven’t seen in a while, BOLO for a Q school in the near future.

Prayers for the places we are fortunate to call AOs, that they can continue to be places that serve our communities well.

YHC took us out. Thanks for the switcheroo, Crash, and thanks for the keys. I tried to toss them in your car as we passed on our way home, but I think I missed. Look near the intersection of Silas Creek & University.

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    February 27, 2023 2:45 pm

    This old man was proud to keep running (well, slow moseying) all the way home after this beatdown! 🥵. Awesome workout, or as my friend Splash says, it was “perfectly terrible!”

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