Celebration WIB

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 2/2/23

PAX: Van Gogh, Hansel, Chim Chim, Saban, Workbench, Greenspan, Bevo, Cherry Pie

9 pax gathered on a wet groundhog day to celebrate yhc’s birthday.  as promised, it looked bad on paper.  here is what happened.

warm o rama – SSH, michael phelps, abe V all IC

grab a block/coupon.  simple – run a lap around the parking lot.  perform set number 1.  run a lap around the parking lot.  perform set number 2.  repeato till time.

set number 1 – 20 bear crawl block pushes, 30 burpees, 41 lateral block jump overs

set number 2 – 20 murder bunnies, 30 squat thrusters, 41 Irkins on your block

see, that simple.

prayers – suttons new baby, DQ’s wife


all had fun

rain stopped and no one was required to lay on the ground (although most ended up there at some point)

lots of modifications to run an extra lap (in an attempt to skip the exercises)

we had doughnuts at COT thanks to Hansel

what a great way to start the day.

