
QIC: Greenspan

Date: 1/18/23

PAX: Lamb Chop, Bevo, Mutton, Snooki, Razzie, Van Gogh, Frostbite, Greenspan

Burns sent out an SOS Tuesday night due to flu at the zoo; YHC, having fallen out of favor with site-Qs, jumped at the chance to fill in.  Burns made it exceptionally easy by posting his planned workout for all to see.  Due to not wanting there to be a conspiracy about Q-points for the annual challenge, YHC gently modified Burns’ plans in order to escape inevitably accusations of infringement.

The plot only thickened however as YHC returned to the launch from a pre-run just prior to the appointed time only to find Lamb Chop leading the assembled pax in Cherry Pies (notably absent).  YHC respectfully allowed the emeritus to complete the called exercise and then took over, stamping the rest of the workout with the greenback.


SSHs, Cherry Pies (get those shoulders warm), Stretchy-Retchy (Burns’ request), Up/Down Dawg

Mosey to track.

The Thang

Burpee mile.

Lap 1:  Run to each turn (beginning with the first turn from the start line, aka 2nd turn in Lamp Chop parlance) perform burpees x 10 at each.

Lap 2:  Run to 2nd, 4th, and 1st turns, perform burpees x 10 at each.

Lap 3:  Run to 2nd and 4th turns, perform burpees x 10 at each.

Lap 4:  Run to 3rd turn, perform burpees x 10.

Mosey to playground and partner up.

Partner A performs lateral pullups on swings x 15, partner B planks. Flip flop; repeato for 4 total rounds each.

Slide over to retaining wall.  Partner A performs dips x 15, partner B reverse planks.  Flip flop; repeato for 4 total rounds each.

Head up the steps to the circle.  Pax calls Mary exercise (IC), then all run up Intimidator to Carolina.  Called exercises were:

Jane Fonda:  Snooki

Pickle Pounders:  Razzie

American Hammer(?):  Bevo

Time running short, head back to launch for CoT.


Announcements & Prayer Requests:

  • Lamb Chop and M baby arrival next Tuesday!
  • Bevo had WIB Q this morning at Piedmont Plaza. If you’re reading this, it’s too late.

YHC took the pax out with some thoughts from a book, Live No Lies, that YHC is currently reading.



  • Snooki didn’t expect much from the workout and was pleasantly surprised.
  • Lamb Chop made the early suggestion to deviate from Burns’ planned burpee mile, which would have required 40, 30, 20, 10 burpees per lap, respectively. YHC grudgingly concurred but made that the last time that Lamb Chop was allowed to influence the Q as he began petitioning for 2023 challenge points.
  • Van Gogh had to be restrained from leaving the rest of the pax behind on the burpee mile; he and Snooki matched each other step for step on the runs up the
  • Frostbite seemed ready to pull the site-Q card early on with the confusion Lamb Chop introduced. He relaxed when YHC regained control of Mutton’s nephew.
  • Bevo went to a 2-swing lateral pull-up.  After trying it, YHC can confirm that it’s harder.
  • Speaking of Mutton:  He’s a man with much wisdom of life.  He was also a solid partner at the playground.
  • Razzie was good, alternating between amusement and impatience with the antics of other pax.
  • Despite the aforementioned timely arrival, YHC knew that he was cutting it close when Bevo drove by towards the tail end of the EC run.

Thanks for the opportunity, Frostbite (not that you had any say in the matter) via Burns.  Keys were left at the van that is always parked there.