A Beastly Distillery

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 1/12/2023

PAX: Madoff, 60 Minutes, Schneider, Adobe, Drama Queen

5 pax gathered and for the second Q in a row, YHC had to depend on others for time.  (More on that later).  After a slight discrepancy in pax timepieces, we went with Adobe’s and began promptly at 0530.

Warmarama covered the standards finishing off with the ever popular DQQ special Dry Dock Crabs. About 7 were accomplished but who knows because no one was counting – at least out loud.

We then moseyed over to one end of the parking lot near the church with 4 cones evenly spaced covering about 50 yards.  The pax were introduced to the thang for the day – The Beast.  Imported from Charlotte to the Dash by Van Pelt, it’s 6 stops with 6 reps at each stop with 6 rounds featuring different exercises.  Down at back stopping at closest 3 cones with the 4th being the turnaround spot.

Exercises for Beast #1 were merkins, squats, lbcs, double wide merkins, lunges, and burpees.

Check in with Adobe for time and plenty left. One lap around the parking lot and then back to start line for Beast #2.  Exercises were Staggered merkins rt hand forward, SSHs, Freddie Mercs, staggered merkins left hand forward, running with scissors, Mike Tysons.

Enough of that.  Gather up the cones and back to launch spot for Mary.  Best YHC can remember we covered Mutton crunch l/r, low flutters, AL prom dates, dynamic Supermans, maybe something else and finish time with a high plank.



Good group of some WeFoCo regulars who all put in hard work with few complaints

Offer was made during The Beast to modify if anyone saw the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse – 60 responded “now you tell me” #mademelaugh

Flying EH was attempted on minister getting to work early.  YHC later thought that if we had told him we were studying Revelation he may have joined us

Discussions during The Beast covered YHCs failed electronics – not only was watch out but speaker has died too. Music would have been nice. Schneider offered to go get a speaker from his truck.  #notimeforupgrades

Beast #2 was met with some grumbles, “blocks are over there”, etc. New selection of exercises seemed to calm the crowd

Gross (144) of various forms of merkins performed.  #pecday

AL prom dates at a church are no less comfortable than at a school

With the help of YouTube YHC got the watch back on EST today.  Speaker is still out.  Watch is ready for next Q and I’ve got time to repair or buy a new speaker before then


60 needs pax for Greenest next weekend

Madoff is interested in running events coming up

Beverly’s 45 miler is Saturday at HOPE


YHC first learned here about Cardinal, the Knoxville pax who passed yesterday.  Very tragic story that has spread quickly throughout F3 Nation.

Katniss and M expecting another little Archer soon

Prayers for travelers with weather and computer outages

YHC took us out.  Good start to a Thursday

Always an honor