So Random

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 11-21-22

PAX: Wobegon, Transcript

Simple and basic on a cold morning. We could hear the site Q snoring happily in his bed across the street.  It went like this:

Standard Warm-O-Rama

The Thang was Random Tabata. 10 Choices are possible: 30 seconds on, 15 off, hit the Random Number Generator during the rest period to determine our fate.


  1. Merkins
  2. LBCS
  3. Carolina Dry Docks
  4. Heels to Heaven
  5. Squats
  6. Side Straddle Hops
  7. Alternating Lunges
  8. Hill Billys
  9. Sprints
  10. Dips


Observations: Merkins and Dry Docks seemed the most frequent. Not one 7 came up for lunges.

Last 5 minutes for Mary: Muttons, Penguins, Big Boys, Gas Pumps.

The playlist included Nirvana, Rancid, Black Sabbath, The Hold Stead, The Mountain Goats, Fugazi, Green Day, and The Gaslight Anthem.


  • Convergence and modified schedules this week (Read Slack)
  • Guys who struggle this time of year with motivation, keep reaching out
  • Cut short due to some raised voices coming from a car parked way down in the shadows. Transcript: “Yo, let’s get the eff out of here.”. Agreed.

Glad to get out on a Monday morning and always a pleasure to spend 45 minutes with Transcript.