Free Candy_Trick or Treat

QIC: Adobe

Date: 10-31-22

PAX: Sour Mash, Gretel, Sea-Man, harden, Starfish, F3 Singing Cowboy, f3schneider, Ziffel, van.gogh, Hansel, Subfloor, Adobe ( Q )

Twas a dark and stormy Halloween Monday, and the Village parking lot was soaked. All the PAX were huddled tightly together when the Q pulled up ( very fashionably late for the EC 2 mile pre-run ).

With two minutes to spare, all the PAX wondered why the Q was the only one in costume and they were curious about what could be in my bucket. So without further adieu, let the games begin.

Mission Statement, check. 5 Core Principles, check..

Little SSH, Abe Vagoda, Arm Swirlies. Enough of this. We’re all warm.

Very simple premise. I explained to the PAX, ” all you gotta do is just grab into my bucket and pull out the treat”. The treat being the exercise and the count. Ring around the rosie, each PAX got a few turns each. Thank goodness the parking lot was “dry” or all the exercises done on our six would have been so much more unpleasant. LOL.

Again, we made it through 3 rounds. There was a lot of “let’s see what’s behind door number 2, 3, 5” when choosing from the bucket, but all of the exercises added up to a ton of reps and were terrible as a whole. Not a dry eye or backside was left in the crowd.




No announcements or prayers spoken. YHC took us out.


It was an honor and a pleasure as always men. Great work and great push.
Until next time…..SYITG.

Adobe, out…