
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 11/8/2022

PAX: Chick Flick, Spicoli, Turnover, Greenspan, Cherry Pie, Workbench, Offsides, Lamb Chop, Cheesesteak

10 PAX gathered in the parking lot downtown during a lunar eclipse for a Flatline.  The simple wink of the eye preblast was all it took to scare off a few pax and intrigue others.  To ensure Beverly would be proud, this workout had no warm o rama, no mary, and constant movement.

0530 lets go.  extremely simple.  there is a 3 min timer at one of the parking lot.  when it goes off, run to the other end of the parking lot and perform 10 burpees.  run back to the clock and use the remaining time to perform as many reps as possible of the exercise on the cardboard.  when the timer goes off, repeat.  14 rounds total with 15 sets of burpees.

exercises: squats, squat jumps, star jacks, merkins, shoulder tap merkins, help me merkins, reverse lunges, apollo ono, iron mikes, ranger merkins, makhtar ndiaye, V ups, Freddy Mercs, flight attendants

total 150 burpees and as many reps as you could.


announcements – Veterans day Q by Sea Man at Distillery

prayers – safe voting today, kindness to all those around us – be a better human

YHC took us out


lots of complaints in the first 10 mins, lots of name calling at the Q

intentionally grouped legs then shoulders, then legs, then shoulders – led to lots of fatigue and decreased reps as the sets went on

averaged about 1 min 20 secs worth of reps on each round

at 600 several pax tried to change the workout and move to another location – Q did not fall for this tactic

Greenspan was on fire this morning….leading the way the entire time.

workbench sprinted up the parking lot every round – he must have been excited about the burpees at the top

TO is not interested in purchasing real estate in Pigeon Forge – you had to be there

Cherry Pie loved the workout, no complaints, just so happy to be there this morning.


what a great push by all this morning.  honor to lead these HIMs.  thank you all for making me better.

until next time………..Huckleberry.


  • Green Acres
    November 8, 2022 1:54 pm

    👏 but 😳

  • Spicoli
    November 14, 2022 12:04 am

    Solid beatdown. Volume work is a great challenge. Totally stealing workout format for my next Q. 🙂

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