
QIC: Schlitz

Date: 10/25/2022

PAX: Cherry pie, Drip, Lambchop

Three moderately chilly pax started out with basic warm up.
20 count side straddle hop, 10 Abe da goda (spellcheck) and 10 Worley got the clap.
Started out with a short run down 2nd street to I can’t remember the parks name. All pax in plank position and doing shoulder taps. One man at a time, ran the loop of the parking stopping at two benches, one to do 15 irkins and one to do 15 dirkins. Two rounds!
Next we ran up the hill just a bit to do an AB ladder.

5 LBC, 5 low flutter, 5 WW2, 5 heels to heaven and 5 Big O. Repeat with 10, then 15 then 20 then back down the ladder!

Last stop is the park by Sawtooth. Each pax gets a set of stairs. Run to the top and do 10 double count lunges. Run down the steps and do 10 squat jumps. Repeat 5 times and then  a short mosey back to meeting point. Boom. Time.

Great work my dudes!