Parliament Super Collider

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 08/16/2022

PAX: Sour Mash, Schneider, Cruiser, Adobe, Boomerang, Harden, Abe Froman, SeaMan, Workbench, DQ

Another late backblast from YHC but better than nothing at all.

We gathered on one of the last preschool mornings at Parliament.  YHC’s creative juices have been focused in other areas lately so some old favorites were adapted for WeFoCos only core beatdown.

YHC cranked up the Spotify Dad Rock and we were off with several Warmorama standards finishing of course with Dry Dock Crabs -always an adventure for the first timers …and for most of the multiple timers.

We moved dynamically toward the wall where we stopped for boxing drills and fast feet on the curb.  I believe we also worked in some Jack Reachers while in People’s Chair.

After a few rounds of this we then paired up and after some confusion performed the super collider where one partner went one way and other went the other.  Upon meeting, partners performed 10 booyah merkins, 20 WW II sit ups while other partner planked and held sit up partner’s feet, and 30 squats – no touching of other partner required for this.  IIRC the modes of transport were bear crawl, lunge walk and hi knees.  Partners met 3 times.

We then dynamically moved back toward the blocks and gathered appropriate sized one for block work.  Recalling curls, OH presses, skull crushers and BO rows – but that’s what YHC usually calls so there may have been some variation.

We returned blocks and moseyed back to start for a little Mary and that wrapped it up.


There was some confusion on super collider instructions but all caught on quickly.  Cruiser was a formidable partner.

Strong group of  WeFoCo/Parliament regulars.

Since this was almost 3 weeks ago – sorry YHC doesn’t remember much more.


YHC took us out