No Drama Just Queen at The Village

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 08/29/2022

PAX: SeaMan, Sour Mash, DQ

YHC is not quite as late with this backblast as ones from my previous two Qs so here goes.

It was back to school day and that likely impacted our attendance but 2 pax joined YHC and I was obligated to give them their money’s worth.  YHC pulled out another DQ special with the No Drama Just Queen workout that I had rolled out at a few locations before but never at The Village.

We began with Bohemian Rhapsody – we changed to various warmup exercises as the music changed covering stretching, SSHs, boxing drills, running w/scissors and back to stretching as the music wound down.

We then moseyed around to the well lit portion of the lower field.  This part of the workout was planned for musical Dora but with three pax there was a slight Omaha – we all performed 10 reps of the exercise that matched the song then ran about 30 yards turned and came back for 10 more reps until song ended.

The exercises were:  Hand Release Merkins for Another One Bites The Dust, Squats for Fat Bottomed Girls and of course Freddie Mercurys for Bicycle Race.

We then moseyed to the rock pile for the We Will Rock You portion of the beatdown.  Again we stuck with the 10 rep concept and performed 10 reps each of curls, OH presses, skull crushers and bent over rows.  We continued to rotate thru the 4 exercises until WWRY and We Are The Champions finished.

At this point Sour Mash left us to go deliver a 2.0 to school.  SeaMan and YHC continued the Queen music with Under Pressure.  We started with 10 partner merkins – one partner planked with feet on other’s back and lower partner knocked out the merkins – we flapjacked and reps went down in number by 2.  We were able to get all the way down the 2 step ladder before the end of the song.

With time winding down and also with the last 2 songs not being YHC’s favorite exercises, we decided to play the music while we moseyed back to start.

We knocked out a little Mary and were done right on time.


Glad to have two loyal village idiots join me this morning.

It was quite humid.  With football teams getting into action, fall and cooler days are right around the corner.


YHC took us out. Asking for a good year for all students, teachers and parents