WIB 8.18

QIC: Burns

Date: 8.18.22

PAX: Zima, Cherry Pie, Palin, Wobegon, H.O.G, Greenspan, Manscape, Schlitz, Workbench, Root Canal, Mutton, Burns

A large and jovial crowd gathered for WIB at Reynolda Village. It’s always a pleasure to be near the mumblechatter when Zima, Palin, and Cherry Pie are in attendance.

WoR – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps all x12 IC for Root Canal. Cherry Pie showed up late so we did burpees arm swirlies until he joined the circle and then off we went.

The thang –

  • Station 1: Fountain. 10 derkins, 10 dips
  • Station 2: Bottom of the hill outside the art gallery. 10 reverse lunges (single count), 10 single leg glute bridges (each leg)
  • Station 3: Near the pond/gazebo/bridge. 10 american hammers, 10 cruchy frogs
  • Station 4: Launch parking lot. 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 lbcs.
  • Each lap increase the reps x5.

Everyone was on or finished with lap 6. H.O.G. may have been on lap 8. Wrap up at 0615 was not firm.

CoT – prayers for Mutton’s BIL.

Announcements – Shmedfest (LINK), Giles move-in Saturday, GreeNest needs volunteers.