Parliament Scrabble

QIC: Crash

Date: 8/23/2022

PAX: Drama Queen, Starfish, Schneider, Cruiser, Ziggy Stardust, UTurn, Adobe, Sour Mash, Abe Froman, Crash

Burlap and YHC switched up a few weeks ago to help each other out. About to take my oldest daughter to start college, and having returned Mon AM not much time to plan. Resurrected Scrabble set for a (Mostly) new crowd. Did this for first time around Oct 2021, TRQ Scrabble!

The PAX rolled in and a pretty good turnout on a quite beautiful clear and cool Tuesday morning. Ziggy brought the shovel flag. YHC had a plan to celebrate younger daughter’s 17th birthday with some reps of 17 and a playlist of songs featuring 17 (there are a lot). I didn’t create it. Here it is, very well done.

Abba ‘Dancing Queen’ was featured early and the PAX absolutely loved it. It formed the background for a good portion of the


17 SSH, 17 IST, 6 Abe Vigoda, 17 Hillbillies, 17 AST FW, 17 AST BW, stretch hips from 6, maybe a couple other things. Walk to and get a block. Circle up by #2 @ bus stop in front for the


Don’t know if I ever published the exercise and letters for the Scrabble set. Here it is.

letter, exercise, A, merkins, B, ssh, C, bear crawl, D, hr merkins, E, ww2, F, crab walk, G, shoulder tap, H, h2h, I, squat, J, inchworm, K, mountain climber, L, lunge walk, M, monkey humpers, N, carolina dry docks, O, blank, P, plank jack, Q, , R, burpees, S, sprint lap, T, flutter kick, U, freddie merc, V, crunchy frog, W, lbc, X, murder bunnies, Y, donkey kick, Z, low plank 30 s,

In turn the PAX spell their name, turn blocks over and choose rep or distance.

So for instance CRASH was bear crawl, burpees, merkins, sprint lap, h2h. I think I chose bear crawl to bust stop 1, probably about 8 spaces, 10 burpees, 10 merkins, sprint lap was a block carry to a sign just beyond 1 (no running). 17 h2h.

Some PAX did more reps, some would choose 1 for an exercise they didn’t like.

All in all it was tougher than it seemed like it would be. I thought I’d have people do upper body stuff with blocks between names, but everyone seemed to appreciate the changeover time.

We did all the names but we didn’t get to Sour Mash or Abe Froman. So if you wished you could recreate approximately what we did with average reps 10-20 and some lower some higher.

Put blocks back.


Penguin crunches for about 1-2 min to finish.


Schmed Sat 8:30
DQ has a 10 min play Sat Monroe
Sour Mash daughter and Wobegon son in it!
Audition Mon and Tues also if interested contact DQ. experience not required. Talent desired. Looking for young and old range of ages 20-60 range.
UTurns girlfriend is leading Yoga Sat after Schmed Fest – first time leading get out and support!
Greenest this weekend see Starfish.


Hardens mom got into a trial for Cancer in NY, prayers for her and their family
Cruisers mom having surgery on knee prayer for good outcome
Prayers for those with kids going back to school and those headed off already or heading off to college.


Someone commented they loved the Abba to kick us off, actually they asked how this made it in.
A few questions about where 17 appeared in some of the music.
DQ and Schneider for a pre run!
Other funny things happened, it is difficult to recall in a somewhat deprived sleep state.  it was a good workout. Thanks gentlemen, great push from everyone

1 Comment

  • DQ Drama Queen
    August 25, 2022 9:45 am

    Minor corrections. I just remember me on ec run. Perhaps Schneider did his own. Also not my play this weekend but a collection of 6 short ones. Auditions for my full length play are Mon and Tue. Thanks

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