Burns’ Ladder

QIC: Burns

Date: 8.2.22

PAX: For Parliament: Schneider, Zima, Tonka, Ziggy Stardust, Abe Froman, Subfloor, Adobe, U-turn, Sea-Man, Rudolph, Burns (QIC)

Runners: Huckleberry, Workbench, Gretel

YHC arrived for a EC run to see Zima already heading out on one of his own #tclaps. I came back from my solo jaunt and the parking lot was still empty, but the cars started streaming in and we had a quorum, so we got after it. The runners took off and the rest of us did some static leg stretches, some high plank/mtn climbers/down dog/merkins/up dog combo, ISTs, and Michael Phelps. Then we grabbed blocks and went to the bus lane for #thethang.

Burns’ Ladder – start with exercise 1. everything x20 reps. when you finish, bear crawl to the mid-line of the parking lot and back. then do exercises 2 & 1. then 3, 2, 1. etc.  One anecdote…if you have to ask it’s double count.

  1. Reverse Lunges
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Merkins
  4. Squat Thrusters
  5. Curls
  6. American Hammers
  7. Block Swings
  8. Skull Crushers
  9. Plank Jacks
  10. Blockees

Walk the blocks back at 0610, some time for Mary…the runners joined us. Heels to heaven, low flutter, mutton crunches. Time.


All pax got to round six, some got to round seven, and a couple of elite HIMs made it to round eight. Schneider saved the day when the Q forgot music, but the first song on the soundtrack was an odd choice. Rudolph and Froman led the way up the ladder. Zima didn’t have very nice things to say to me, but I HCd to WIB as a penance…do your worst. Subfloor was next to the Q all morning and put in some fantastic work.  YHC didn’t see anything other than grit and determination this morning, which is exactly what we want to see.


YHC took us out. Grateful for this group and the example you all are to one another. We’ve got a real good thing going here, let’s keep #givingitaway