WIB at Bailey Park

QIC: Burns

Date: 7/7/2022

PAX: Zima, Greenspan, Burns

We descended upon Urban Assault, known by its hospital name as Bailey Park. A map of the area we covered is inserted below. The loop is appx .45 mi, and our exercises were as follows:

A – 7 Purpees (burpee w/ 3 merkins at the bottom)

B – 14 Pullups

C – 21 Bonnie Blairs DC

D – 28 Dips

E – 35 Freddie Mercs DC

Greenspan would have left us in the dust if he weren’t oozing empathy. Zima was “taking it easy” because he’s running the bear tonight #CSAUP. YHC hit a wall, nearly getting knocked down by the one-two punch of fatigue and humidity. All in all we cut our 5th lap short because of time, ending with the dips back at launch. 35 purpees, 70 pullups, 105 bonnie blairs, 140 dips, and 140 freddie mercs. 2.2 miles covered. Excellent morning.

The Shmed is coming up. Zima may or may not be leading a overnight beatdown. Aug 26. Quadruple down opportunity next Saturday 7/16…0600 murph, 0700 regularly scheduled beatdowns, 0900 pawtism 4×4 at HP, and dashpax blood drive. YHC will buy a beer for anyone who does all 4!

YHC took us out…prayers for Bevo’s family, for my SIL’s mental health battle, and for the sister of a mutual friend of YHC & Greenspan’s struggling with anxiety and self-worth.