Pre-Preseason Football Warmup

QIC: Adobe

Date: 7-28-22

PAX: Crusier, Harden, Sea-Man, F3Schneider, F3 Singing Cowbow, Rudolph, Adobe ( Q )

This story starts like any other Friday Night Lights story, except on a Wednesday night.

The very anxious Q meticulously drew out his battle plan weinke, got an awesome playlist or 2 ready, and headed straight to bed the night before the big “game”. So ready to roll out a good end of the week beatdown that any mother would love. So far the plan was going well.

Fast-forward to 5:15am the next morning; day of the big “game”.

What’s that sound? A faithful fellow PAX giving the Q a text, then a call. The Q had forgotten to set his alarm altogether the night before. ( DOH ). Like the dad from “Twas the Night Before Christmas“, “I sprang from my bed to what was the matter.”  I have no idea how I got dressed and in my truck in a matter of 4 minutes, but it happened. Not too many words were spoken on the drive from Lewisville to the Distillery. ( Pretty sure the fellow PAX riding shotgun was thinking, “man this guy is gonna be in TROUBLE, being late for his own Q”, but only grace and reassurance were conveyed.

After passing a State Trooper while only going about 12mph over the speed limit, and hitting all but one red light ( missed the last one before the final turn, so evasive maneuvers were required; took a HARD left on two wheels, through the Kangaroo parking lot ), and finally made it to the workout only 2 minutes late. PHEW!

A few PAX had decided to go for a run and 2 more were about to bail and try to join the running party, but again, they gracefully stayed and some soft razzing took place about the Q’s tardiness.

Let the games begin.


After the abbreviated Mission Statement, we quickly started with a little SSH, Whirly w. Clap, Windmills, and Arm Swirlies F&B.



Again, not wasting any MORE time, we moseyed over towards the football field at Clemmons Middle. Not that this morning could go any worse than it had already, but to the Q’s surprise, Clemmons Middle had added a new gate ( with a great pad lock ), on the normal entryway to the field access…so we had to mosey all the way around the other side just to get over to the field. (( Q fail #2 for the morning ))

In the spirit of football season gearing up, the Q rolled out a little end zone to end zone type of beatdown. We’d start at Station 1 with 14 Merkins, run to Station 2 and complete 14 WWII’s, run ALL the way down to Station 3 for 14 Carolina Dry Docks, and then run to Station 4 for 14 Monkey Humpers. After completing all 4 stations, run to the bleachers, run up and down 1 time, then head to the center of the 50 yd. line for 5 Clurpees. “Yup, you heard me, Clurpees..Burpee with clap merkin.”

Repeado….Head back to Station 1 and start 2nd round, but this time it would be 28 reps of all listed exercises. Then 42, then 56. Goal was to complete all 4 cycles…and we did, minus the last Bleacher run and Clurpee session ( someone was late, remember. )

VERY quickly moseyed back to the Distillery parking lot to catch up with the other running PAX for some quicky Mary.


20 Penguin Crunches, and we finished with a Lobstaaah Roll. ( Hold Plank for 10 seconds, then rotate 90 degrees, hold plank for another 10 seconds, rotate again. You do the full circle of planks, then flop over and do 20 LBC’s ) ** Borrowed from another AO BB. Sounded cool, and it worked. Tell yer friends.



Announcements: Adobe or Sea-Man have the Q at Alcatraz on Saturday. Slacky is acting Wacky?

Prayer requests: None were mentioned. YHC took us out.


Again, I simply can not believe I slept in. Thank you Cruiser for the Alarm Clock. Can’t believe we didn’t get pulled over. Saw 3 police cars while heading back to Lewisville; fortunately by this time I was abiding all traffic laws.

There was some chatter about, ” I can’t believe we left a perfectly good parking lot to come to the football field to get soaked and covered with grass. ( I did promise a slip and slide…kept my word )

The Q did receive a compliment for laminating his weinke. I mean, when you’re gonna get drenched…ya gotta do what you gotta do.


Rudolph is an animal, literally and literally.

Cruiser cruised right through this workout in normal Cruiser fashion.

Schneider always brings it. Solid work brother.

Adobe, well….let’s just say he was immediately setting up the automated alarm schedule for his phone.

Thank you for the push men. Thank you for the effort. Thank you for always leaving it all on the field.
