mixed reviews

QIC: huckleberry

Date: 7/28/22

PAX: burlap, turnover, van gogh, manscape, crash, greenspan, cherry pie

8 PAX showed up for a Huckleberry substitute Q at WIB on a humid July morning outside Tuesday Morning at Whitaker Square.

530 – warm o rama – SSH, IW, updog, down dog, Michael Phelps (or Cherry Pie – yoga and burpees)

thang – one lap (the back of harris teeter to the road and back) was about a 1/4 mile.  2 pain stations and one speed bump.

pain station 1 – 10 reps – slider merkins (one hand on a brick for a merkin, then slide the brick to the other hand for merkin #2), plank jacks, mountain climbers, peter parkers (see below but for some reason some pax did not know what a peter parker was)

pain station 2 – 10 reps – squat jumps, apollo ono, burns electric chairs, SSH

increase reps by 1 each lap.

speed bump – 4 perfectly shaped orange cones were placed ~ 10 yards apart.  suicide run.  the kicker – always face forwards (so backwards run back to first cone).  #2 kicker – one burpee at cone 1, two burpees and cone 2, three burpees at cone 3.  #3 kicker – perform 10 windshield wipers and 2 merkins per burpee.  FAN FAVORITE!!

613 TO grabs the cones and starts running back to start – he then turns and asks yhc if we were done and headed back – i guess so since you took the cones.


Prayers – Cherry Pies daughters for safe travels as they return home, Workbench (travel and peace), Greenspans eye

Announcements – SCHMED – sign up for the run.  use the website – not sure which one, greenspan mentioned multiple and i dont run. Cherry Pie has IS Q


I will not use any names, but a coarse heavy plain-woven fabric took the bricks and made a middle finger out of them.  Ill take that as a compliment

Manscape (good to see you!) just got after it.  no complaints, no chatter, just worked.

Cherry Pie was not a fan of the warm up (did his own thing – combo of yoga and burpees) and wants to know where I come up with the exercises.  He also promises to bring the pain to IS when he Q’s on Saturday

TO before the workout – “this better suck”.  TO after the workout – “that wasn’t to bad”.  Not sure I met his expectations but provides some motivation for my next Q.  Thanks TO.

Greenspan is not okay.  For some reason he likes to sprint all out and finds joy in it.  you’re an animal and thanks for the push

Crash also had no complaints and just got after it.

Burlap has attended 2 of my Q’s in a week – he had some stuff to say about that.  your beach body is welcome Burlap.

Van Gogh is quietly stayed in front of everyone.  He was called out on his form at one point………He had some choice words about the recommendation.  VG also was curious what Tuesday morning was……sarcastic responses were stated.

lots of confusion about peter parkers……not sure why…….but clarity with “like spiderman” had to be used to help some understand

lots of confusion about single count or double count…..likely due to lack of clarity from the Q