Embrace the TIT. Love the TIT. Be the TIT.

QIC: Burns

Date: 7.25.2022

PAX: Green Acres (WD), Turnover (late), Huckleberry, Schlitz, Lace, Ziggy Stardust, Burns (WB & QIC)

A mighty 6 pax assembled for TIT this morning in the oppressive humidity. We started with with a slow and deliberate warmorama – some static leg stretches, moved into high plank for 10 merkins IC, pivoted to downdog for a long hold, back to high plank for 10 mountain climbers IC, lowered to updog for a long hold, and then Turnover showed up to be our seventh and ruined our zen in the process so we had to do 5 burpees. Then we wrapped up WOR with ISTs, Whirlies, and Michael Phelps all x15 IC. Green Acres pointed out that Michael Phelps are a perfect shoulder stretch/warmup and he doesn’t understand why Cherry Pie can’t get on board with them…they’re much better than any swirlie things.

We moseyed to the playground for 4 rounds of pullups & WWIIs. Do as many pullups as you can, and then complete the set with WWIIs to get to a total of 15. Run a lap, then repeato. Lace did zero WWIIs.

Head down to the big field. YHC was later than I hoped to the AO this morning so the pax accompanied me on a mosey to lay six cones out across the field. Then we moseyed back. Starting at cone 1, run to cone 6 and do 100 SSH, back to cone 1 for 100 SSH. Run to cone 5 for 75 lbcs, back to cone 1 for 75 lbcs. The pattern continued with 50 squats, 25 merkins, and 10 burpees.

Back to the launch point for mary by committee. Too many pax called merkin variants. There were some regular mary exercises called too, except for Ziggy who told us to do penguin crunches but try to get our elbows to touch our heels (???????).

Much chatter about the humidity.

Next week is the Week of Wobegon – support our Nantan as he Qs a workout for 6 days straight.

Schlitz has his VQ at Conspiracy on August 10!

Prayers for Workbench’s family as his grandfather just passed, for Ziggy & his mother as she transitions into assisted living, and for Turnover’s friends who are struggling to become pregnant. YHC is so grateful for this group this morning, and also for all of you reading this. Thanks for making this F3 thing so special.

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    July 26, 2022 1:14 pm

    Great job! Perfectly terrible beatdown. Any chance to get in 150+ merkins and 60 pull-ups makes my day, and wore me out! 😅

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