choose your own adventure

QIC: huckleberry

Date: 6.13.22

PAX: Transcript, Crash, Schlitz, Green acres, Greenspan, Chowdah, Skybridge, Van Gogh, Boomerang, Zima, Honey Badger

12 pax gathered on a humid warm Monday morning for a Huckleberry Iron Throne.  Prior to 0530 there were 2 “requests” made – Crash “could you take some reps off today? I’m still recovering from Zima’s Alcatraz on Saturday”.  Sure Crash, happy to.  Van Gogh “when is someone going to call murder blockees?”.  What are those VG?  After he explained……..his wish would be granted.

0530 – mission statement and warm o rama – SSH, Abe V, Imperial Walker, Michael Phelps

Mosey to the “hill” – some steep road near the school.

CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE – 3 cones were placed on the hill – one at the top, one 2/3 the way up, one about 15 yards up

Partner up for DORA.  Partner A does exercise at bottom of the hill.  Partner B can either run to the top cone, run backwards up the hill to the middle cone, or bear crawl around the bottom cone.

Exercises – 99 burpees, 199 merkins, 299 squats (one rep removed from each for Crash).  When you finish, alternate low flutter and running to top cone for the 6.

Mosey to blocks and line up in parking lot for murder blockees!!

Murder bunny across parking lot.  Stop at every parking space line for 3 blockees.

Blocks up and mosey to start…..TIME.

Prayers – Schlitz is having a baby!

Announcements – Schmed run, Greenspan has Redline Q (sounds terrible)

YHC took us out.


The Q was so generous today…….all pax were grateful and thankful.  You’re welcome

Honey Badger gave the Q the evil eye

Van Gogh was called out for doing body destroyers (that’s how you know it was good)

Transcript, Schlitz, and Chowdah were getting after it all morning

Zima said some not so nice things and kicked the cones

Greenspan loved the workout, no complaints, all smiles……..

Mixed reviews on which cone was the best/worst to choose

murder blockees are a win – thank VG for this one.  I probably would have just rested and stretched the rest of the time if he did give me this idea



thank you for the keys Crash………Huckleberry