Working out the blocks at the Distillery

QIC: Ziggy

Date: 5/12/22

PAX: Tonka, 60 MINUTES ,Schneider, Sour Mash, harden, Crash, Sea-Man, Eye Candy, ziggy stardust (QIC)

By chance YHC had the Q at Distillery the same day that Huck had WIB in WeFoCo, a repeat from last time I paid a visit to the AO a couple of months back, so I wasn’t sure if we would enjoy another #coffeebeatdown (courtesy of Sour Mash according to Distillery rules?). Tonka and I arrived just in time and we had an impressive quorum of 9 assembled, however, so the workout went as planned:


Abe Vigodas / up dogs / down dogs / on back right leg twist / left leg

Four Corner Mosey Around the Parking Lot

  1. Burpees x 10 oyo WWII for the 6
  2. Mtn Climbers x 20 oyo IST for the 6
  3. Peter Parker x 20 oyo Hillbillies for the 6
  4. Turkish Get Ups x 10 Al Gore for the 6


PAX got blocks and gathered at one end of the parking lot.


5-10-15-20-15-10 (or until time)

Begin with 5 reps through the list of exercises, then mosey or run to the far end of the parking lot.

Continue adding 5 reps, then repeat mosey or run up and back after each set.


Skull Crushers


Bent over Row

Chest press


Upright row

Erkins on block


Kettle Bell Swings

Return blocks and time.


Prayers for YHC’s mother, who is going through some difficult times, something many of us ‘respects’ have had to deal with and which isn’t easy.

Always great to work out with the WeFoCo crew – Sour Mash kept us entertained, Crash was out front but closely followed by Sea Man, Schneider, Harden, 60 Minutes, and new PAX Eye Candy, and Tonka killed it as usual while demonstrating correct form throughout.

Thanks, men for the push and great start to the day!

60minutes – keys are under the blocks, (we’ll get some glue and fix up the broken ones next time)